Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/720

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2328 PARCEL POST AGREEMENT-LEEWARD ISLANDS. Kar 27. 1929. July 11. 1929. tration making delivery shall fix the amount of fluch fees and· postage when not prepaid. fo!':r~::~r:::m~tc;;tl~: 3. Insured parcels shall not be forwarded or returned to another country. country unless they may be forwarded or returned as insured mail. Senders may indorse insured parcels "Do not forward to a third country", in which event the parcel shall not be forwarded to any other country, unless such parcels are indorsed to indicate that the senders do not wish them forwarded to any country other than that of mailing or within the country of original address, they may be forwarded to s. third country if they can be forwarded as insured maIl. Insured parcels may be returned to the sender in a third country in accordance with a return address on the parcels, if they can be Ante. p. 2325. returned as insured mail. In case of tho loss, tJling or damage of an insured parcel forwarded or returned to a third country, indemnit;y will be paid only in accordance with the stipulations of Article XII section 3 of this Agreement. XVII. Postal Charges Otker Than Those Preecribed, not to be OoUected. Other charges ~ot allowed. 1. The parcels to which this Agreement applies shall not be subject to any postal charges other than those contemplated by the different articles hereof. NondellV8l"1 . XVIII. Non-delivery. Return to sender. 1. In the absence of a request br the sender to the contrary a parcel which can not be delivered shall be returned to the sender Wlth- ~ew postage. etc. re - out :previo11s notification. New postage as well as new insurance quire<!. fees, In the case of insured parcels (which must be returned in the same kird of mail as received) may be collected from the sender and retained by the Administration making the collection. all~=~tsfromsender 2. The sender of a parcel may request, at the time of mailing, that, if the parcel cannot be delivered as addressed, it shall be either (a) treated as abandoned, or (b) tendered for delivery at a second address in the country of destination. No other alternative is admissible. If the sender avails himself of this facility, his request must appear on the parcel or on a Customs Declaration attached to or stuck on the parcel and must be in conformity with or analogous to one of the Forma. following forms: "If not deliverable as addressed __________ ' Abandon' " "If not deliverable as addressed __________ 'Deliver to' " un~~:a:r ~~ 3. Except as otherwise provided, undeliverable parcels will be returned to the senders at the expiration of thirty duys from the date of receipt at the post office of destination, while refused parcels will be returned at once, the parcels in each case to be marked to show the reason for non-delivery. Disposal of articles 4 A .I libl tod . t' . dh nl llabletodeterloration • rtlCes a e etenora Ion or corruptlOn an t ese 0 y, . may, however, be sold immediately eyen on the outward or return journey, without previous notice or judicial fonnality for the benefit of the right party. If for any reason a sale is impossible, the spoilt or worthless articles shall be destroyed. The sale or destruction shall be recorded and sI fartl1 k report made to the Administration of origin. ed .~':'~dO:.~ mar . 5. U ndeliversble parcels which the sender has marked "Abandon" may be sold at auction at the expiration of thirty days, but in case such disposition is made of insured parcels, proper record will be made and the Administration of origin notified as to the disposition made of the parcels. 'rhe Administration of origin shall also be notified