Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/683

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EXTRADITION TREATY-POLAND. NOVEMBER 22,1927. 2291 PROTOCOL ACCOMPANY- ING THE TREATY OF EX- TRADITION BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND THE RE- PUBLIC OF POLAND At the moment of signing the Treaty of Extradition between the United States of America and the Republic of Poland the under- signed Plenipotentiaries, dulyem- powered, have agreed as follows: 1. The Polish Government con- sents to extradite, at the request of the Government of the United States of America, all fugitive criminals as they are referred to in the accompanying treaty, in cases where the charge involved exceeds $200.00, although the minimum provided for in the ac- companying treaty for the High Contracting Parties is $1,000.00 . The foregoing agreement ap- plies to the provisions of Para- graphs 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 of Article II of the accom- panying treaty. 2. The Polic;h Government, which by virtue of Article 104 of the Treaty of Peace of Versailles conducts the foreign affairs of the Free City of Danzig, undertakes to do all that is necessary to secure t.he adherence of the Free City of Danzig to the provisions of this protocol and the accom- panying treaty as soon as possible. In faith whereof, the under- signed Plenipotentiaries have signed the present protocol and affixed thereto their respective seals. Done in duplicate at Warsaw t.his 22 day of November 1927. [SEAL] JOHN B. STETSON jr [SEAL] AUGUST ZALESKI PROTOKOL DOL4CZONY DO TRAKTATU EKSTRADY- CYJNEGO MIF;DZY STA- NAMI ~JEDNOCZONEMI AMERYKI A RZECZ1\POS- POLIT4 POLSK4. Protocol. W chwili podpisania Traktatu A~lI\ent ,r plenl. E . . dS potentlanes. kstradycYlnego Illl~ zy tana- rni Zjednoczonerni Ameryki a Rzecz4Pospolit4 Polsk4, nizej podpisani Pemomocnicy, nalezy- cie upowaznieni, zgodziIi si~ nn punkty nast~puj 4ce: RdPIk· d' Consent of Poland to 1. Z4 0s1zgazaSl~nareduction of money wydawanie wszystkich zbieglych minimum In charges. przes~pc6w w rozurnieniu pOwyZ- szego Traktatu na z4danie RZ4du Stan6w Zjednoczonych Ameryki w tych wypadkach, gdzie szkoda wyrz~dzona przewyzsza 200 dol., aczkolwiek minimum przewi- dziane przez powyzszy Traktat dia Wysokich Umawiaj4Cych si~ Stron wynosi 1000 dol. Powyzsze zobowinzanie odnosi Paragraphs affected. Lt' Anti, pp. 2284, 2285. si~ do Artykulu II, par. 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 i 15 powyzszego Traktatu. 2 .. RZ4d Polski, kt6ry na za- c~~h;e~c:nzi~ Jr: sadzle Art. 104 Traktatu Wer- secured. salskiego kieruje sprawarni za- granicznemi W olnego Miasta Gdanska, uczyni wszystko CO jest potrzebne, aby zapewni6 mozliwie jak najpr~dzeJ przyst4pienie Wol- nego Miasta Gdanska do po- stanowien niniejszego Traktatu i dol4czonego do niego Protok6lu. N a dow6d czego nizej podpisani Signatures. Pelnomocnicy podpisali niniejszy Protok61 i zaopatrzyli go swemi piecz~ciami . Sporz4dzono w dw6ch egzem- p'larzach w Warszawie dnia 22 listopada 1927 r. . [SEAL] AUGUST ZALESKI [SEAL] JOHN B. STETSON jr. AND WHEREAS the said Treaty has been duly ratified on both Ratifications parts, and the ratifications of the two Governments were exchanged in exchanged. the city of Warsaw on the sixth day of June, one thousand nine hun- dred and twenty-nine; Proclamation. NOW, THEREFORE, be it known that I, Herbert Hoover, Pres- identof the United States of America, have caused the said Treaty to be made public) to the end that the same and every article and clause thereof may be observed and fulfilled with good faith by the United States and the citizens thereof.