Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/666

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2274 ARBITRArfION AGREEMENT-NETHERLANDS. FEBRUARY 27, 1929. Fctruary Z7, ~{j29. Arbitration with the Netherlands. Preamble. Vol. 36, p. 2148. Agreemenf between the Uniled State8 and the Netherlands J'Il.riher mending the duration oj the arbitration convention. oj May Sl 1908. Signed at Washington, February S7, 1929; ratification iulmsed by thB Senate, March 2,1929; ratified by the President, March 6, 1929; ratified!!JI The Netherlands, April 19, 19S9; ratifications ~hanged at The Hague, April S5, 1929; proclaimed, April 26, 1929. By THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. A PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS an .Agreement between the United States of America and the Netherlands extending the duration of the Arbitration Convention concluded between the tw<> Governments on May 2, 19Q§., Was concluded and signed by their respective Plenipotentiaries at· washington on the twenty-seventh day of February, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-nine, the original of which Agreement, being in the English and Dutch languages, is word for word as follows: Contracting Powers. The Government of the United De Regeering der Vereenigde States of America and Her Maj- Staten van Amerika en Hare esty the Queen of the Nether- Majesteit de Koningin der Neder- lands, desiring to extend iurther landen, bezield met den wensch Vol. 36. p. 2148. the period durin~ which the Arbi- het tijdvak gedurende hetwelk tratlOn Convention concluded be- het op 2 Mei 1908 tusschen hen tween them on May 2, 1908, and gesloten Arbitrage-verdrag van extended by the Agreement con- kracht zal blijven, welk verdrag Vol. 39, p. 1626; Vol. cluded between the two Govern- bij bet tusschen beide Partijen 41, p.I667 . menta on May 9,1914 and further op 9 1fei 1914 gesloten verdrag Vol. 43 , p. 1754. extended· by the Agreements con- werd verlengd en nader werd ver- cluded by the two Governments lengd bij de tusschen hen op 8 on March 8, 1919 and February Maart 1919 en 13 Februari 1924 13, 1924, shall remain in force, gesloten verdragen,opnieuwtever- have respectively authorized the lengen, hebben ondersoheidenlijk undersigned to wit: de ondergeteekenden, namelijk Plenipotentiaries. Frank B. Kello~, Secretary Frank B. Kellogg, Seoretaris of State of the Umted States of van Staat der Vereenigde Staten; America; and en Dr. J . H . van Roijen, Envoy Mr. Dr. J. H. van Roijen, Extraordinary and Minister Buitengewoon Gezant en Gevol- Pleni~tentiary of Her Majesty machtigd Minister van Hare the (.lueen of the Netherlands Maiesteitde Koningin der Neder- in Washington, landen te Washington, to conclude the following agree- gemachtigd het volgende verdrag ment: te sluiten. ARTICLE I ARTIKEL I TarmstroBot (talk):TarmstroBot (talk)e3~O/~ The Convention of Arbitra- y~r'l 36 2149 tion of May 2, 1908, between the c. ,p. . Government of the United States of America and Her Majesty the Queen of the Netherlands, the dura.tion of which by Article III thereof was :fAXed at a period of five years from the date of the exchange of ratifications, Vol. 39, p. 1626. which period, by the Agreement of May 9, 1914, between the two Het arbitrageverdrag van 2 Mei 1908 tusschen de Regeering der Vereenigde Staten van Amerika en Hare Majesteit de Koningin der Nederlanden, waar- van de duur volgens artikel III van dat verdrag was bepaald op een tijdvak van 5 jaar, gerekend van den dag van de uitwisseling der akten van bekrachtiging, welk tijdvak bij