Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/647

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ARBITRATION TREATY-CZECHOSLOVAKIA. AUGUST 16, 1928. 2255 Mr. Zdenek Fierlinger, Envoy Extraordinarv and Minister Plen- ipotentiary ~f the Czechoslovak Republic at Washington; Who, having communicated to one another their full powers found in good and due form, have agreed upon the following articles: ARTICLE I All differences relnting to inter- national matters in which the High Contracting Parties are con- cerned by virtue of a claim of right made by one against the other under treaty or otherwise, which it, has not been possible to adjust by diplomacy, which have not been adjusted as a result of reference to an appropriate com- mission of conciliation, and which are justiciable in their nature by reason of being susceptible of decision by the applieation of the principles of law or equity, shall be submitted to the Permanent Court of Arbitration established at The Hague by the Convention of October 18, 1907, or to some other competent tribunal, as shall be decided in each case by special agreement, which special agree- ment shall provide for the organ- ization of such tribunal if nec- essary, define its powers, state the question or questIons at issue, and settle the terms of reference. The special agreement in each case shall be made on the part of the United States of America by the President of the United States of America by and with the advice and consent of the Senate thereof, and on the part of Czechoslovakia in accordance with its constitu- tionallaws. ARTICLE II The provisions of this treaty shall not be invoked in respect of any dispute the subject matter of which (8.) is within the domestic juris- diction of either of the High Con- tractin~ Parties, (b) mvolves the interests of third Parties. (c) depends upon or involves the maintenance of the tradi- tional attitude of the United pana Zdenka Fierlingra, mimo- fadneho vyslance a spIn. ministra Ceskoslovenske republiky ve Washingtonu; ktefi, sdelivse si navzajem sve p1ne moei, shledane v fadne a naJezite forme, shodli se na Mchto Clancich: CLANEK I VsechnJn neshody tykajici se Internation~ ditJer- . , ,I' .' ence~ not adjusted by mezmaro fch za eZItosti, Je~ se diplomacy, referred by dotykaji Vysokych smluvnich ?e~anerTarmstroBot (talk) ~ stran v dusledku pravniho naroku Arbitration, ete. vzneseneho jednou proti druhe na zaklade smlOUVY nebo jinak, ktere nebylo mozno urovnati cestou diplomatickou, ktere nebyly urov- nany tim, ze byly OC ;zdany vhodne komisi smfref, a kterl; jsou ve sve podstate rozsouditelne proto, zejest pfi nich moznost rozbodnuti uplatnenim zasad prava a slusnosti, budou odevzd- any StaIemu soudu rozhodcimu zHzenemu v Haagu konvencf z 18. Hjna 1907, anebo nekteremu jine- Vol. 36, p. 2221. mu pfislusnemu tribunaIu, jak bude rozhodnuto v kaZdem pfi- pade zvlMtni umluvou, kterMto zvlMtni Umluva ustanovi, bude-li nutno, organisaci takoveho tri- bunalu, urM jeho pravomoc, sta- novi spornou otazku nebo otlLzky, a vymezi obsah zkoumani. Se strany Spojenych Stata Se- veroamerickych bude zvlMtni do- hod a v kaZdem pfipade uzavfend presidentem Spojenych Statu Se- veroamerickych dIe rady a S6 souhlasem senatu, a se strany Ceskoslovenska v souhlase s jeho ustavnimi zakony. Speolal qreement. CLANEK IT Ustanoveni tato smlouvy ne- cl 83.!:lecta bude mozno se dovolavati, pokud U • jde 0 jakykoli spor, jehoz pfedmet al spada pod domaci soudni pravomoo kterekoli z Vysokych smluvnich stran, bl dotyka sa zajmu tfetich Stran, cl jest zavislym na zachova- vani tradieniho stanoviska Spo- jenych Statu v ameri- not In-