Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/643

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PARCEL POST-GOLD COAST COLONY. March 6, 1929. April 2, 19:!\). to or stuck on the parcel and must be in conformity with or analogous to one of the following forms: "If not deliverable as addressed __________ 'Abandon'." "If not deliverable as addressed __________ 'Deliver to ______ ' ." 2251 Forms. 3. Except as otherwise provided, undeliverable parcels will be uD~~'fi~er~J~~Dg returned to the senders at the expiration of thirty days from tho date of receipt at the post office of destination in the United States of America and at the expiration of twenty-one days from the date of receipt at the post office of destination in the Gold Coast Colony, while refused parcels will Le returned at once, the parcels in each case to be marked to show the reason for nondelivery. 4. Articles liable to deterioration or corruption, and these only, liJ:ITarmstroBot (talk)e~oTarmstroBot (talk):' may, however, be sold immediately even on the outward or return journey, without previous notice or judicial formality for the benefit of the right party. If for any reason a sale is impossible, the spoilt or worthless articles shall be destroyed. The sale or destruction shall be recorded and report made to the Administration of origin. 5. Undeliverable parcels which the sender has marked "Abandon" .. l~:ndor!.t marked may bo sold at auction at tho expiration of thirty days in the United of America, and at the expiration of twenty-one days in tho Gold CORst Colony. XVII. CUSTOMS CH~RGES TO BE CANCELLED. Customs charges. Provided the formalities prescribed by the Customs authorities con- de..~t~~!TarmstroBot (talk)f~IfParcel eerned are fulfilled, the customs charges, properly so-called, on parcels destroyed, abandoned by the sender, sent back to the country of origin, or redirected to another country shall be cancelled both in the Gold Coast Colony and in the United States of America. XVIII. RETRANSMISSION. Misse"lt parcels shall be forwarded to their destinations by the most direct route at the disposal of the reforwarding Administration but must not be marked with the customs or other charges by the refor- warding Administration. XIX. RECEPTACLES. Retransmission. Provisions for. Receptacles. Each Administration shall provide the bags necessary for the dis- et~ags to be provlded. patch of its parcels. The bags shall be returned empty to the country . of origin by the next Mail. Empty bags shaH be made up in bundles of ten (nine bags enclosed in one) and the total number of such bags shall be advised on the parcel bill. XX. CHARGES. ChargWI. 1. The amounts to be allowed in respect to parcels sent from one Parcelsforwardect. Administration to the other for onward transmission to a possession of either country or to a third country shall be fixed by the inter- mediate Administration. 2. In the case of a parcel returned or redirected in transit through recTarmstroBot (talk)Credl- Dne of the two Administrations to the other, the intermediate Admin- . istration may claim also the sum due to it for any additional territorial or sea service provided, together with any amounts due to any other Administration or Administrations concerned. 3. For every parcel mailed in one country and addressed for de- mi~J:.- Afi. liveIX in the other which weighs not exceeding 3 pounds a payment of . 1 shilling (24 cents) shan be made by the dispatching Administration