Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/588

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2196 A1iU, p. 2193. A1iU, p. 2191. INTERNATIONAL SLAVERY CONVENTION. SEPTEMBER 25,1926. CANADA George Eulas FOSTER CANADA AUSTRAUE J. G. LATIIAM AUSTRALIA UNION SUI). J. S. SmT UNION OF AFRICAINE 1 ~ SOUTH AFRICA 1 NOtJVELLE.zELANDE J. C . PARR NEW ZEALAND INDE Under the terms of Article 9 of INDIA this Convention I declare that my signature is not binding as regards the enforcement of the provisions of Article 2, subsection (b), Articles 5, 6 and 7 of this Convention upon the following territories; namely, in Burma: the N aga tracts lying West and South of the Hukawng Va.lley, bounded on the North and West by the Assam boundary, on the East by the N anphuk River and on the South by the Singa.ling Hkamti and the Somra Tracts; in Assam, the Sadiya and Ba.lipara Frontier Tracts, the tribal area to the East of the N aga Hills District, up to the Burma boundary, and a sma.ll tract in the South of the Lushai Hills District; nor on the territories in India of any- Prince or Chief under the suzeratnty of His Majesty. I also declare that my signature to the Convention is not binding in respect of Article 3 in so far as that Article m~y require India to enter into any Convention whereby ves- sels, by reason of the fact that they are owned, fitted out or com- manded by Indians, or of the fact that one half of the crew is Indian, are classified as native vessels, or are denied any privilege, right or immunity enjoyed by similar ves- sels of other States Signatories of the Covenant or are made subject to any liability or disability to which similar ships of such other States are not subject.2 W. H . VINCENT 1 Cette signature engage Ie Sod-Ouest Africalne. 1 This signature applies to Sooth-West Africa. I n-adudion II" SurIlGrlal de fa SocUU du Notfom: En vertu de I'article 9 de la p~nte convention, Je d6clare que ma signature n'engage pas mon pays en oe qui coooerne la ml8e en vigueur de I'article 2. alinM (b), des articles Ii, 6 et 7 de la pr6Bente convention dans les territolres suivantl!, A savoir: en Blrmauie, les districts de Naga qui s'4!tendent AI 'ouest et au sud de la vall4!e du Hokawng, Ilmit4!s au nord etA J'ouest par lafrontl4!re del'Assam, AI'est parla rivij!re de Nanpbut, et au 804, par Ie Singaling Hkamti et les districts de Somra; dall8l'Assam,les districts frontieres de 8adiya et de Baupara. Ie territolre situ4! AI'est d'l district des N aga Hills Jusqu'Ala fronti4!re birmane, et une petite zone 80 sud du district des Lushal H~i. alnsi que dans les terrltoires de I'lnde appartenant A un prince OIl abet placA 8OlI8 la _GffUtl de 8a M,ajest4!. Ie d4!clare 4!galement que la signature que j'appose Ala convention n'eng~ pas mon pays, en ce qui con- cerna I'article 3J dans la mesure ad ledit article peut uiger la participatIOn de J'Inde A une convention aw: termes de u~~ueUe des navlres, parce qu'ils sont 1>08S4!d~,4!qulp4!s ou commandj!s par des Indiens,ou parce que 1a moitl4! de I'~ulpage est compos6e d'Indfens, seraient cl~ comme navires Indlg4!nes ou se verralent refuser tout prlvll~ge, droit ou immuniM reconnus aux navires similalres des autres Etats signa· taIres du Pacte, ou seraient assujettls A des charges ou A des restrlctloll8 de droits qui ne s'4!tendralent pas aw: navires similaires desdite autres E tate.