Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/547

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS. SESS. III . Cns.568-571. 1931. 2155 Piave which grounded on January 29, 1919, on Goodwin Sands, England, and became a total loss, after all salvage and other claims arising in connection with salvage operations had been satisfied, it appearing that the owners of the cargo of said vessel have been fully compensated by the insurance companies concerned for the value of the cargo of that vessel and as a consequence are entitled to be subrogated to the rights of the owners, and that the amount was erroneously covered into the Treasury of the United States. There is hereby appropriated, out of any moneys in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of $308.07, or so much thereof as may be necessary, for payment of said claim. Approved, March 4, 1931. CHAP. 069 .- An Act For the relief of Charles S. Gawler. Subrogation of rights. Appropriation. March 4, ilia!. [H. R . 8983.] [Private, No. 484 .) Be it eMcted by the Se-nate and House of Representatives of the CharlesS Gawler United States of America ilY'., Oongress as~embled, That the Comp- C ,edit allowed In 'ao- troller General of the United States is hereby authorized and counts of. directed to allow in the accounts of Charles S. Gawler, disbursing officer of the regional office of the Veterans' Bureau at Columbia, South Carolina, the sum of $67.50 paid by him to Alfred E. Moser for reimbursement for the loss of wages incurred by the said Alfred E. Moser while at the United States Veterans' Hospital at Oteen, North Carolina).. during the month of October, 1925, which was disallowed by said liomptroller General. Approved, March 4, 1931. CHAP. 070.- An Act For the relief of Walter L. Turner. ~~.~9J.:~. -[Private, No. 485 .] Be it enacted by the Seruz:te and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Oongress assembled, That the Post- ~~{LalTarmstroBot (talk)er'tor master General be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to stolen postal funds. credit Walter L. Turner1 postmaster at Lagrange, Georgia, in his accounts with the sum ot $227.14 in postal funds and $24,430.25 in postage stamps lost in the burglary of the post office at Lagrange, Georgia, on February 16, 1928, and for $500 in postal funds; $17,433.66 in postage stamps and $102.29 in money-order funds lost in the burglary of the post office at Lagrange, Georgia, on September 11,1928. Approved, March 4, 1931. CHAP. 671.- An Act For the relief of Okaw Dairy Company. March 4,1931. [H. R . 113M.] [Private, No. 486 .) Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representative8 of t,ie United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary Okaw Dairy Com- of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay, pa:!Yment~o, fordam· out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated and agestooertainproducts. in full settlement against th~ Government, to Okaw Dairy Com- pany, New Athens, Illinois, the sum of $960 for damages for loss of butter and cheese which was being held in cold storage for said company by the Probst Pure Products Company, New Athens, Illinois, and which spoiled when United States prohibition officers refused to _permit the withdrawal of said butter and cheese when the Probst Pure Products Company was seized by prohibition officers in June, 1926. Approved, March 4, 1931.