Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/529

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS. SESS. III. CHs.464-468. 1931. tody by said Mason, at his own expense, and surrendered to the Umted States marshal, entered a plea of guilty, and sentenced to .se rve a term in jail. Approved, March 3, 1931. 2137 hG B March 3, 1931. CHAP. 461S.- An Act For the relief of United States Mars a1 eorge . ---.,~[>.::s:....:'6~254:::-:.:L.]:-::-:-=c- McLeod. [Private, No. 424.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Vnited States of America in Oongre8s assembled, That the Secretary Sh~ni~:!rr~~at~t ~ of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to Lec~6dit nllowed for credit the account of George B. McLeod, United States marshal desi~ated repOrting for the southern district of Georgia, in the amount of $577.50, being service. the amount paid by him to J. ·W . Talbert for stenographic service in reporting the testimony of James J. McGrath in the matter of the United States against Sonia Goldberg and others in February, 1929. Approved, March 3, 1931. March 3, 1931. CHAP. 466. -An Act For the relief of Frank D. Peck. [H. R. 896.] [Private, No. 425.J Be it enacted ~ the Senate and House of Representatives of the F kD Peck United State8 0 America in Oongress assembled, That in the .o~ted· hon~rable administration 0 the pension laws Frank D. Peck shall be hereafter dIScharge. held and considered to have been honorably discharged from the military service of the United States as a private of Company M, Third Regiment United States Infantry, on November 22, 1900: PrOlliJo. Provided, That no back pension, back pay, or back allowance shall No back pension, etc. accrue by virtue of the passage of this Act. Approved, March 3, 1931. CHAP. 467.- An Act For the relief of Frank C. Russell. March 3, 1931. [H. R . 1605.J [Private, No. 426.) _. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Oongress aBsenwled, That in the n~' !:~lloor_ administration of any laws conferring rights, privileges, and benefits rected. upon honorably discharged soldiers Frank C. Russell, who was a member of the Eighth Battery, Field Artillery, shall hereafter be held and considered to have been honorably discharged from the military service of the United States as a member of that organiza- tion on the 3d day of October, 1904: Provided, That no bounty, ~~!~k pay, etc. back pay, pension, or allowance shall be held to have accrued prior to the passage of this Act. Approved, March 3, 1931. March 3, 1931. CHAP. 468. -An Act For the relief of Josiah J. Hostetler. [H. R . 2589.] [Private, No. 427.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the . United States of America in Oongress assembled, That the Post- ~O:~~hl'alIfg!~~erfor master General be authorized to allow credit to Josiah J. Hostetler, stolen postal fUDds. postmaster at Shipshewana, Indiana, for $9.96 in fixed credit funds, $326.80 in postage stamps, and $19.50 in postal funds lost in the burglary of the post office at Shipshewana, Indiana, March 24, 1927. Approved, March 3, 1931.