Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/370

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1978 SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS. SESS. In. CHS. 105,106,115. 1931. Surety required. condition that neither the Motor League of Louisiana nor any of its successors or assigns in title shall make any claim against the United States for a.ny sum or sums of money the said Motor League of Louisiana may have paid to the State of Louisiana, or to any other person or persons, corporation, or association on account of and in consideration of said lands and upon the further express condi- tion that the said Motor League of Louisiana its succesSOrf; and assigns in title shall be bound to indemnify and hold harmless the United States against any and all claims that may at any time be made against the United States by any person whatsoev~r or any corporation or association of persons on account of any sum or sums of money that the United States may have received from the State of Louisiana as the purchase money for said land. Approved, February 5, 1931. February 5, 1931. [B. R .9893.] CHAP. 106.- An Act For the relief of Herman Lincoln Chatkoff. - - -u>livate, No. 308.] . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives 01 the c~~f~~n Llnco,n United States 01 America in Congress assembled, That the military Mi.Jitary.~t~tus, status of a soldier of the United Stutes forces during the period of

~~:~ed to~li- the World War, April 6] 1917, to November 11, 1918, shall be

extended to Herman Lin~oln Chatkoff, an American citizen, who was permanently injured in line of duty on June 15, 1917, while serving with the Lafayette Escadrille or Lafayette Flying Corps in France, and from date of application to the Director of the United States Payandallowanoes. Veterans' Bureau he shall be entitled to the same hospital treatment and compens3.tion as are now or may hereafter be provided by law or reguiations for soldiers of the United States who served with the American Expeditionary forces who have become physically disabled in line of duty. of~\:\'~ic;u'ln~!: SEC. 2. That provisions of the World War Veterans' Act, 1924, e~'oi~3~ &11' Vol as amended, are hereby waived, under this Act, in so far as the ~ p: 700; VoL 405, p: l~m~ting date~ o~ proof of service connection of disability and time . hmIt of apphcatIon are concerned. Of15:22, 18 January 2013 (UTC)~~nder SEC. 3. That in order to receive benefits undel.· this Act any French pension to which the beneficiary hereunder may be entitled shall be surrendered following the approval of this Act. February 9, 1931. [B. R. ZJ35.] [Private, No. 309.} Approved, February 5, 1931. CHAP. 115.- An Act Providing for the promotion of Chief Boatswain Edward Sweeney, United States Navy, retired, to the rank of lieutenant (junior grade) opo the retired list of the Navy. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the ~yd~a:lpo~'f:teJ~!i- United States of America in Congress assembled, That the President =t're~r grade, is hereby authorized to advance Chief Boatswain Edward Sweeney, , . United States Navy, retired, to the rank of lieutenant (junior grade) on the retired list of the Navy, with the retired pay and ~o~~ pay. eta. allowances of that rank: Provided, That no back pay, bounty] pension, or other emolument shall accrue prior to the passage ot this Act. Approved, February 9, 1931.