Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/1475

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Hungary: Arbitration treaty __________________ _ Conciliation treaty ______________ . ___ _ Postal agreement with ______________ _ Hutton, J. C ., payment to_____________ _ I Iannacone, Pasquale, payment te, for personal injuries _________________ _ Icelard, arbitration treaty with ________ _ Immigration, establishing quota, fiscal year 1~30 _______________________ _ Import and Export Prohibitions, interna- tional convention for Hobolition of certain _________________________ _ Indochina, parcel post convention with __ Inman, Albert A., refund of fine ________ _ Inter-American Conciliation Convention, convention with other American Re- publics _________________________ _ Inter American Conventions. See Pan American Conventions. International Economic Ccnference, Ge- neva, international convention for abolition of import and export pro- hibitions, etc ____________________ _ International Naval Limitation Treaty, concluded with other Powers ______ _ Interstate and Foreign Commerce Com- mittee, House of Representatives, addi~ional copies of report entitled "Regulation of Stock Ownership in Railroads" ordered printed ________ _ Intoxicating Liquors: Convention to prevent smuggling of, into United States, withChile____ _ Japan __________________________ _ Exchange of notes______________ _ Poland _________________________ _ Convention with other Powers relating to traffic of, in Africa ___________ _ Irish Free State, extending benefit of copyright acts to citizens of. ______ _ Italy: Arbitration treaty__________________ _ Monfort, James C., may accept deco- ration from ___________________ _ Parcel-post convention _____________ _ J Jacobson, Major Benjamin L., Army, credit allowed in accounts of _______ _ Jaeckel, Theodore, payment to, loss of personal property ________________ _ Jakes, John, military record corrected___ _ Japan: Smuggling convention ______________ _ EXf'hange of notes _______________ _ Japanese Earthquake 1923, payments to persons designated for losses due to__ INDEX. Page I 2349 2353 2894 i912 1909 2841 2985 2461 2301 1~59 2209 2461 2858 2178 2852 2446 2449 2773 2199 3006 2890 1880 2397 1961 1923 1976 2446 2449 1927 Jefferson, James h., payment to_______ _ Jeffery, George A., payment to, loss of personal property ________________ _ Jenkins, Douglas, payment to, for personal propertylosses ___________________ _ Jenkins, William I.., payment to, loss of personal property ________________ _ Jensen, C. P., Corporation, claim of, for maritime salvage service to be ad- justed __________________________ _ Jewett, Frances R. (widow). payment to __ Johns, William H., payment to, for prop- erty damages __________________ .' __ Johnson, Abram H., military record cor- reeted __________________________ _ Johnson, Stuart L., may be appointed lieutenant, junior grade, retired ____ _ Johnson, Wesley B., naval recGrd cor- rected ___ .____ ____ ___ ____ ____ ____ _ Johnston, A. R ., reimbursement to, for traveling expenses ________________ _ Jones, S. A ., payment to, for property damages ________________________ _ Jonitz. Lieutenant Franz J., Army, reim- bursement to, for stolen public funds,authorized ______________ _ K Kearney, Catherine, payrr.ent to father, etc., forfatal injuries to ___________ _ Keefe, Stprrit, naval record corrected ___ _ Keesy. Anna M. ~ Payment to heirs of, for property dam- ages __________________________ _ Restoration of land _______________ _ Keller, Julius Victor, military record cor- rected __________________________ _ Kelsey, Grant R •• alias Vincent J. Moran, military record corrected __________ _ Kennedy, William K .• claim of, to be adjusted ________________________ _ Kerlee, E. J ., time limitation for filing claim under Employees Compensa- tion Act, waived _________________ _ Killilea, Lieutenant Colonel Frank J., credit allowed in accounts of _______ _ King, Thomas Starr, acceptance of statue of, from California, for Statuary HalL Kinney-Coastal Company, refunds, min- eralleases in Wyoming____________ _ Kirchhoff, Richard. naval record cor- rected __________________________ _ Kirjassoff, William and David. payment to ______________________________ _ Kirk, Margaret Y•• paymentto _________ _ Kirk, Paul, payment to ________________ _ Kittle, Mrs. W . M ., monthly payments to, for of husband ______________ _ . IX Page 1 \)f)7 1923 1923 1923 2147 1923 1932 2115 1985 2131 1915 1920 2128 1957 1973 1958 1959 1745 1881 2123 1965 1949 2179 1937 1880 1924 1937 1967 19391