Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/1445

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PROCLAMATIONS, 1930. 3039 By THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA November H, 1930. A PROCLAMATION WHEREAS section 91 of the act of Congress approved April 30, 1900, ~=~~Ie. entitled "An act to provide a government fcr the Territory of Hawaii" Vol. 31 , p.1Sg. (31 Stat. 141 -159), as amended by section 7 of the act approved May Vol. 36,p . 447 . 27, 1910 (36 Stat. 447), authorizes the transfer to the Territory of Hawaii of the title to all such public property ceded and. transferred t? the United S~ates by the Republic of Hawaii under the joint r~solu- tlon of annexatIOn, approved July 7, 1898 (30 Stat. 750), and 111 the Vol. 3O,p . 750. possession and use of said Territory for public purposes or required for any such purposes; and WHEREAS certain lands of the United States within the area herein- after described are re}uired for certain public purposes; N H H Pr d t fthU'td Transrer or des!p;. OW, THEREFORE, , ERBERT OOVER, eSlen0 e ill e nated lands to the Tor. States of America, by virtue of the power vested in me by section 7 ritvT 36 447 of the act of Congress approved May 21, 1910 (36 Stat. 447), do hereby o. ,p. . transfer to the Territory of Hawaii the title to all lands owned by the United States in the Territory of Hawaii lying within the area described as follows: That certain area of land situate in the district of Puna, island of Description. Kauai, Territory of Hawaii, lying within portion of N a-wiliwili Bay adjoining the north boundary of that portion of N awiliwili Bay trans- ferred to the Territory of Hawaii by Presidential ProclamatIOn No. 1830, dated February 27, 1928, thus bounded and described: Beginning at the southwest corner of this additional fill, identical with the north corner of the fill described in Presidential Proclamation No. 1830, dated February 27, 1928, the coordinates of said point of VoI.45,p.2941. beginning being 1,624.08 feet north and 1,422.01 feet east of United States Government triangulation station UN orth Base" of the N awili- will Harbor survey, and running by true azimuths measured clockwise from the south: 1. 2080 14' -1 25.35 feet along seashore at low water mark; 2. 319 0 16' 30"-314.90 feet to the northeast corner of fill de- scribed in Presidential Proclamation No. 1830, dated February 21, 1928; 3. 119 0 44' 50"-350.00 feet along fill described in Presidential Proclamation No. 1830, dated Feb- ruary 27, 1928, to the point of beginning. Area, 21,930 square feet. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. DONE at the City of Washington this 14th day of November, in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and thirty, and of the [SEAL] Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and fifty-fifth. By the President: HENRY L. STIMSON Secretary oj State. HERBERT HOOVER