Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/1420

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3020 Ante, p. 3013 . PROCLAMATIONS) 1930. Regulation 4, "Open Seasons on and Possession of Certain Migra- tory Game Birds," subtitle "Doves," is amended so as to read as fl)llows: Roves. h1ca1llmit Doves. - The open seasons for mourning doves shall be as follows: tlo:,grap s- In Delaware, Maryland, V~a, Tennessee, Kentucky, Illinois, Minnesota, Nebraska', Kansas, Missouri, Arkansas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Utah, Arizona, California, Novada, Idaho, and Oregon the open season shall be from September 1 to December 15; In that portion of Texas lying west and north of a line beginning on the Rio Grande directly west of the town of Del Rio, Tex.; thence east to the town of Del RIO; thence easterly following the center of the main track of the Southern Pacific Railroad through the towns of Spofford, Uvalde, and Hondo; thence to the point where the Southern Pacific Railroad crosses the International & Great Northern Railway at or near San Antonio; thence following the center of the track of said International & Great Northern Railway in an easterly direction to the point in the city of Austin where it joins Congress Avenue, near the International & Great Northern Railway depot; thence across said Congress Avenue to the center of the mam track of the Houston & Texas Central Railroad where said track joins said Congress Ave- nue, at or near the Houston & Texas Central Railroad depot; thence following the center line of the track of said Houston & Texas Central Railroad in an easterly direction throu~h the towns of Elgin, Giddings, and Brenham to the point where saId railroad crosses the Brazos River; thence with the center of said Brazos River in a general north- erly direction to the point on said river where the Beaumont branch of the Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe Railway crosses the same; thence with the center of the track of the said Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe Railway, in an easterly direction through the towns of Navasota, Montgomery, and Conroe to the point at or near Cleveland where said Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe Railway crosses the Houston East & West Texas Railway; thence with the center of said Houston East & West Texas Railway track to the point in said line where it strikes the Louisiana line the open season shall be from September 1 to October 31; and in that portion of Texas lying south and east of the line above described the open season shall be from October 1 to November 30; In South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama (except in Mobile and Bald- win Counties), Mississippi, and Louisiana the open season shall be from September 1 to September 30 and from November 20 to Janu- ary 31; In that portion of Alabama comppsing Mobile and Baldwin Coun- ties the open season shall be from November 1 to January 31; In North Carolina the open season shall be from November 20 to January 31; and In Florida the open season shall be from October 16 to January 31. tjAPllroVa} of regula- NOW, THEREFORE, I, HERBERT HOOVER, President of the ODS. United States of America, do hereby approve and proclaim the foregoing amendatory regulation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. DONE at the City of Washington this 23d day of May in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and thirty, and of the Independence [SEAL] of the United States of America. the one hundred and fifty-fourth. By the President: HENRY L. STIMSON Secretary oj State. HKI:tBERT HOOVER