Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/1332

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2H40 CONVEl;TION-PAN AMERICAN. FEBRUARY 20, 1929. General provisions. Jurisdiction. articulos afectados por el acto 0 hecho prohibido, aSI como sus agentes, representantes 0 apode- rados en cualquiera de los Estados Contratantes y los funcionarios c:msulares del Estado a que co- rresponda 10. localidad 0 regi6n falsamente indicada cuando se trate de un caso de falsa indica- ci6n de origen 0 procedendo. geo- graficos, tendran personalidad le- gal. suficiente para ejercitar las aCClOnes .' recursos correspon- dientes y continuarlos por todos sus tramites ante las autoridades administrativas y tribunales de justicia de los Estados Contra- tantes. Igual personalidad tendran las comisiones 0 instituciones oficiales y los sindicatos 0 asociaciones que representen a 10. industria, a 10. agricultura 0 0.1 comercio, legalmente establecidas para la defensa de los procedjmientoshon- rados y leales. CAPiTULO VII. DISPOSICIONES C0MUNES Articulo 32. Las autoridades administrati- vas y los tribunales de justicia de cada Estado Contratante son los unicos competentes para resolver los expedientes administrativos y los juici:>s contencioso-adminis- trativos, civiles 0 criminales que se incoaren con motivo de 10. apli- caci6n de las leyes nacionales. Las dudas que se suscitaren acerca de 10. interpretaci6n 0 aplicaci6n de los preceptos de esta Convenci6n seran resueltas por los tribunales de justicia de cada Estado y s610 en el caso de denegaci6n de justicia seran some- tidas a arbitraje. Art~culo 33. Protecti..e service in Cada uno de los Estados Con" each State to be estab- • lished. tratantes en que no mQsta, se Duties. compromete a establecer un ser- vicio para 10. protecci6n marcaria y 10. represion de 10. competencia desleal y de las falsas indicaciones de origen 0 procedencia geogra- dise or articles affected by any prohibitecJ. act or deed, as well as his agents or re:,presentatives in any of the Contracting Stab's and the consular officers of the state to which the locality or re- gion falsely indicated as the pJace to which belongs the geographical origin or source, shall have suffi- cient legal authority to take and prosecu te the necessary actions and proceedings before the ad- ministrative authorities .:md the courts of the Cuntracting States. The same authority shall be enjoyed by official commissions or institutions and by syndicates or associations which represent the interests of industry, agricul- ture or commerce and which have been legally established for the defense of honest and fair trade methods. CHAPTER VII. GENERAL PROVISIONS Article 82. The administratIve authorities and the courts shall have sole jurisdiction over administrative proceedings and administrative judgments, civil or criminal, aris- mg in matters relating to the ap- plication of the national law. Any differences which may arise with respect to the interpre- tation or application of the prin- ciples of this Conventi<)ll shall be settled by the courts Q{ jU!'1tice of each State, and only in case of the denial of justice shall they be submitted to arbitration. Article 33. Each of the Contracting States, in which it does not yet exist, hereby agrees to establish a pro- tective service, for the suppres- sion of unfair competition and false indication of geographic origin or source, and to publish