Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/1328

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2936 CONVENTION-PAN Al\IERICAN. FEBRUARY 20, 1929. modo expreso y directo, 0 indi- rectamente, siempre que dicho nombre geografico sirva de base o raiz a Jas frases, palabras 0 expresiones que se empleen. Articulo 25. Fse of ~e0!'ffiphiru) Los nombres geograBcos que names to mdICate on· . . • d' gin. mdiquen ongen 0 proce enCla no son susceptibles de apropiaci6n individual, pudiendo usarl,)s libre- mente para indicar el origen 0 procedencia de los productos 0 mercancias 0 su propio domicilio comercial, cualquier fabricante, industrial, comerciante 0 agricul- tor establecido en ellugar indicado o que comercie con los productos que se originen en este. Stamp to indicate true origin. Articulo 26. La indicaci6n de origen 0 pro- cedencia geognificos, fij ada 0 es- tampada sobre un producto 0 mercancia, debera corresponder exactamente al lugar en qne dicho producto 0 mercancff), ha sido fabricado, manufacturado 0 recolectado. Articulo 27. . Ge(,graphica) krms {)uedan exceptuadas de las dis- III ['owmon use exempt. ~ poslCiones contenidas en los ante- riores articulos aquellas denomi- naciones, frases 0 palabras que, constituyendo en todo 0 en par- te terminos geograficos, hayan pa- sado, por los usos constantes, universales y honrados del comer- cio, a formar el nombre 0 designa- ci6n propias del articulo, producto Exceptions. 0 mercancia a que se apliquen, no estando comprendidas, sin em- bargo, en esta excepci6n las indi- caciones regionales de origen de productos industriales 0 agricolas cuya calidad y aprecio por parte del pubnco consmnidor dependa dellugar de producci6n u origen. Articulo 28. directly thereon, provided that said geographical name serves as a basis for or is the dominant element of the sentences, words or expressions used. Article 25. Geographical names indicating geographical origin or source are not susceptible of individual ap- propriation, and may be freely used to indicate the origin or source of the products or mer- chandise or his commercial domi- cile, by any manufacturer, indus- trialist, merchant or agriculturist established in the place indicated or dealing in the products there originating. Article 26. The indication of the place of geographical origin or source, affixed to or stamped upon the product or merchandise, must correspond exactly to the place in which the product or merchandise has been fl:l,bricated, manufac- tured or harvested. Article 27. N ames, phrases or words, con- stituting in whole or in part geographical terms which through constant, general and reputable use in commerce have come to form the name or designation itself of the article, product or merchandise to which they are applied, are exempt from the provisions of the preceding arti- cles; this exception, however, does not include regional indications of origin of industrial or agricultural products the quality and reputa- tion of which to the consuming public depend on the place of production or origin. Article 28. Jurisdiction of state A falta de disposiciones espe- In the absence of any special laws in actions against • I . I fIs' d'" th . fa1se designations. CIa es que repnman as a as In- reme Ies InSurIng e repreSSIOn dicaciones de origen 0 procedencia of false indications of geograph-