Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/1322

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2930 CO:NVENTION-PAN AMERICAN. FEBRUARY 20, 1929. registro 0 dep6sito de cualquier nombre comercial 0 marco. desti- nados a la fabricaci6n t comercio o producci6n de articUlOS 0 mer- candas de la misma clase en que el trafica, probando: (a) que el nombre comercial 0 marco. cuya cancelaci6n pretende es sustancialmente identico 0 engaiiosamente semejante a su propio nombre comercial legal- mente adoptado y usado con anterioridad en cualquiera de los Estados Contratantes para la fabricaci6n 0 comercio de pro- ductos 0 mercancias de la misma clase, y (b) que con anterioridad a 10. adopci6n y uso del nombre comer- cial, 0 a la adopci6n y uso 0 solicitud de registro 0 dep6sito de la marca cuya cancelaci6n pre- tende, emple6 y que continua empleando en la fabricaci6n 0 comercio de los mismos productos o mercancias su propio nombre comerciaJ, legal y anteriormente adoptado y usado en cualquiera de los Estados Contratantes, en o dentro del Estado en que solicite la cancelaci6n. Articulo 19. Protection of com- • d1b merCial names. La protecCl6n e nom re co- TarmstroBot (talk) 18:01, 18 January 2013 (UTC):~ legislation mercial se impartira de acuerdo con 10. legislaci6n interna y las estipulaciones de esta Conven- ci6n, de oficio, cuando las auto- ridades gubernativas 0 adminis- trativas competentes tengan cono- cimiento 0 pruebas ciertas de su existencia y uso legal, 0 a peti- ci6n de parte interesada en los casos comprendidos en los arti- culos anteriores. CAPfTULO IV. Rep~lon of unfair DE LA REPRESI6N DE LA COMPE- competitIOn. TENCIA DESLEAL Articulo 20. the use of any commercial name or the cancellation of the registra- tion or deposit of any trade mark, when such name or mark is in- tended for use in the manufacture, sale or production of articles or merc.handise of the same class, by prOVIng: (a) that the commercial name or trade mark, the enjoinin~ or cancellation of which IS desITed, is identical with or deceptively similar to his commercial name already legally adopted and pre- viously used ill any of the Con- tracting States, in the manufac- ture, sale or production of articles of the same class, and (b) that prior to the adoption and use of the commercial name, or to the adoption and use or application for registration or deposit of the trade mark, the cancellation of which is sought, or the use of which is sought to be enjoined, he uspd and continues to use for the manufacture, sale or production of the same prod- ucts or merchandise his com- mercial name adopted and pre- viously used in any of the Con- tracting States or in the State in which cancellation or injunction is sought. Article 19. The protection of commercial names shall be given in accord- ance with the internal legislation and by the terms of this Con- vention, and in all cases where the internal legislation permits i by the competent governmenta or administrative authorities whenever they have knowledge or reliable proof of their legal exist- ence and use, or otherwise upon the motion of any interested party. CHAPTER IV. REPRESSION OF UNFAIR COMPETI- TION. Article 20. Unfair competition Todo acto 0 hecho contrario a Every act or deed contrary to defined and prohibited. • 10. buena fe comerClal 0 al normal commercial good faith or to the y honrado desenvolvimiento de normal and honorable develop-