Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/1310

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2918 CONVENTION-PAN AMERICAN. FEBRUARY 20, 1929. de propiedad colectiva 0 que pertenezcan a. asociaciones cuya existencia no sea. contraria. a. las leyes del pais de origen, aun cuan- do dichas colectividades no posean un establecimiento fabril, in- dustrial, comercial 0 agricola.. Cada. pais determinaralas con- diciones particula.res bajo las cuales se podra.n proteger las marcas de dichas colectividades. States, etc., included. Los Estados, Pro~inci8S 0 Mu- nicipios en su caracter de per- sonas j midicas, podra.n poseer, usar, registrar 0 depositar ma.rcas y gozar8.n . en tal sentido de los beneficios de ~ta C(lnvenci6n. ArtWulo 7. Interferences. Too .. d Right to oppose, etc. 0 propnetano e una. marca Preferential legalmente protegida en uno de los Estados Contratantes conforme a. su legislaci6n interna, que tenga. conocimiento de que alguna F~r­ sona. 0 entidad usa 0 pretende registrar 0 depositar una. marca. sustancialmente igual a. la suya. o susceptible de producir confu- si6n 0 error en el adquirente o consumidor de los productos 0 mercancias a que se a.pliquen, tendra el derecho de o:ponerse al uso, registro 0 dep6s1to de la. misma, empleando los medios, procedimientos y recursos legales establecidos en el pais en que se use 0 pretenda registrar 0 de- positar dicha. marca, probando que la persona que la usa 0 intenta. registrar 0 depositar, tenia cono- cimiento de la existencia y uso en cualquiera de los Estados Con- tratantes, de la marca en que se funde la. oposici6n y que eata se usaba y aplicaba y continua usan- dose y aplicandose a productos 0 mercancias de la misma clase; y, en consecuencia, podra recJamar para si el derecho a. usar prefe- rente y exclusivamente, 0 la prioridad para. registrar 0 deposi- tar su marca en el pais de que se trate siempre que Ilene las for- malidades establecidas en la legis- laci6n interna y en esta Conven- ci6n. and marks of associations, the existence of which is not contrary to the laws of the country of origin, even when such a.ssocia- tions do not own a manufacturin~, industrial, commercial or agn- cultural establishment. Each country shall determine the particular conditions under which- such marks may be pro- tected. States, Provinces or MUllhi- palities, in their character of corporations, may own, use, regis- ter or deposit marks and shall in that sense enjoy the benefits of this Convention. Article 7. Any owner of a mark protected in one of the Contracting States in accordance with its domestic law, who may know that some other person is using or applying to register or deposit an inter- fering mark in any other of the Contracting States, shall have the right to oppose such use, registration or deposit and shall have the right to employ all legal means, procedure or re- course provided in the country in which such interfering mark is being used or where its regis- tration or deposit is being sought, and upon proof that the person who is using such mark or ap- plying to register or deposit it, had knowledge of the existence and continuous use in any of the Contracting States of the mark on which opposition is based upon goods of the same class, the opposer may claim for himself the rreferential right to use such mark in the country where the opposition is made or priority to register or deposit it in such country, upon compliance with the requirements established by the domestic legislation in such country and by this Convention.