Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/1304

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2912 CONVENTION-PAN AMERICAN. FEBRUARY 20, 1929. Plell'potentiaries- Estados Unidos de America: Continued. Francis White. Thomas E. Robertson. Edward S. Rogers. quienes, despues de haber de- posltado sus credenciales, que fueron halladas en buena y deblda forma por Is. Conferencia, han convenido 10 siguiente: CAPiTULO 1. Equ~it)' of citizens DE LA IGUALDAD DE NA.CIONALES and abens as to trade mark aDd commercial Y EXTRANJEROS ANTE LA PRO- protection. TECCI6N MARCARIA Y COMER- CIAL Art£culo 1. ti~~rr=traTarmstroBot (talk) 17:58, 18 January 2013 (UTC) !f>s Estados ContrataD;tes se siinatory States. obligan a otorgar a los naClonales de los otros Estados Contratantes y a los extranjeros domidliados que posean un establecimiento fabril 0 comercial 0 una explo- taci6n agricola en cualquiera de los Estados que hayan ratificado o se h&.yan adherido a Ia presente Convenci6n, los mismos derechos y acciones que las leyes respecti- vas concedan a sus nacionales 0 domiciliados con relaci6n a marcas de fabrica, comercio 0 agricultura, a la protecci6n del nombre comer- cial, a la represi6n de la comJ;>e- tencia desleal y de las falsas m- dicaciones de origen 0 procedencia geograficos. CAPiTULO II. Trade mark protec- DE LA PROTECCI6N MARCARIA tiOD. Application for, in a foreign country. Art-£culo 2. EI que desee obtener protecci6n para sus marcas en un Ilars dis- tinto al suyo en que esta Conven- ci6n rija, podra obtener dicha protecCl6n bien solicitandola di- rectamente de la oficina corres- pondiente del Estado en que desee obtener la referida protec- ci6n, 0 por medio de Ia Oficina Interamericana de Marcas a que se refiere el Protocolo sobre Regis- tro Interamericano, siempre que United States of America: Francis White. Thomas E. Robertson. Edward S. Rogers. Who, after having deposited their credentials, which were found to be in good and due form by the Conference, have agreed as follows: CHAPTER 1. EQUALITY OF CITIZENS AND ALIENS AS TO TRADE MARK AND COM- MERCIAL PROTECTION. Article 1. The Contracting States bind themselves to grant to the nation- als of the other Contracting States and to domiciled foreigners who own a manufacturing or commer- cial establishment or an agricul- tural development in any of the States which have ratified or ad- hered to the present Convention the same rights and remedies which their laws extend to their own nationals or domiciled per- sons with respect to trade marks, trade names, and the repression of unfair competition and false indications of geographical origin or source. CHAPTER II. TRADE MARK PROTECTION. Article 2. The person who desires to ob- tain protection for his marks in a country other than his own, in which this Convention is in force, can obtain protection either by applying directly to the proper office of the State in which he desires to obtain protection, or through the Inter-American Trade Mark Bureau referred to in the Protocol on the Inter-American Registration of Trade Marks, if