Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/1293

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POSTAL AGREEMENT-HUNGARY. r'o'c('mbf'f 15. 19:::0. Junuary 15. H!~1. 2901 Article XII. The amount regularly collected from the addressee is guaranteed to the sender on the conditions laid down by the money order conventbn already mentioned. Article XIII. 1. Each C. O. D. parcel and the relative dispatch note must bear, on the address side, the conspicu- ous impression of an official stamp or label reading "COL., LECT ON DELIVERY" or "C. O. D ." or "Remboursement," and in close proximity to these words there must appear the number given the parcel which shall be the insurance number (only one original number) and after it must be shown in Roman letters and in Arabic figures, the ex~t amount of the collect-on- delivery charges which should not include the additional money or- der fee or fees that will be col- lected in the country making de- livery of the parcel for making the remittance to the sender in the country of mailing. 2. In addition to being marked or labeled in the manner indi- cated in paragraph 1 above, each C. O. D. parcel may have a C. O. D. tag attached in a form mutually agreed upon. Article XIV. 1. Unless mutually otherwise agreed, C. O . D. parcels shall not be reforwarded to any other country than Hungary or the United States. 2.ThesenderofaC.O.D. parcel may cause it to be recalled upon complying with such re- quirements as may be established in this connection by the country of origin. Article XV. XII. Cikk. A cimzettt51 szabalyszeriien be- Sender guaranteed szedett utanveteli osszegekert a amount collected. postaigazgatasok a felad6val szem- ben a mar emlitett postautal- vanyegyezmeny rendelkezesei er- telmeben felelnek. XIII. Cikk. 1. Minden utanveteles csoma- Official stamping, II etc.• of articles. got es a vonatkoz6 szallit6 eve et a cimoldalon el kell hUm a "COLLECT ON DELIVEhY" vagy "C. O. D." illetve "REM- BOURSEMENT" szavakat fel- Uintett5 belyegzt5 lenyomattival vagy ragjeggyel. KozvetleniiI ezek alatt a szavak alatt fel kell tiintetve lennie a csomag szama- nak, amelynek ugyanannak kell lennie, mint a biztositasi szamnak (csak egy eredeti sztim); ez utan pedig latin betiikkel es arabs szamokkal fel kell tiintetni a pontos utanveteli osszeget, amely- be azonban nem szabad bele- ezamitaniaztapostautalvAnydijat vagy dijakat, amelyeket a csomag rendelteMsi orszligaban az utan- veteli osszegnek a feIvevt5 or- sztigban Ievt5 felad6 reszere val6 atutalasaert fognak szedni. . 2. Az eWbbi 1. szakaszban em- th!TarmstroBot (talk)I.ona1 tag au' litett feljegyzesen es ragjegyen kiviil, minden utanveteies ('soma- ~ot meg egy "C. O. D." ragjegyel IS el lehet Iatni, amelynek fel- ragasztasi m6djat a ket igazgatas kozo!3en dl1apitja meg. XIV. Cikk. II ~lI d . Reforwardlng to 1. E enkezt5 megw apo as hl- other countries. jan utanveteles csomagokat nem lehet harmadik orsztigba utan- kiildeni. Recall of parcel by 2. Az utanveteles csomag fela- sender. d6ja a felvevt5 igazgatas altaI eITe vonatkoz6an meg811apitott eljarasi m6d mellett csomagjat visszaveheti. XV. Cikk. The sender may provide, in A felad6 arm az eset-re, h8 liv~:;~lgTarmstroBot (talk). unde- case his C. O . D . parcel is unde- csomagjat nem lehet az eredeti liverable as originally addressed, cimzettnek kezbesiteni, ugyana-