Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/1291

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POSTAL AGREEMENT-HlJNGARY. December 15. 1930. January 15. 1931. 2899 the charges not remitted, nor for perishable matter or matter pro- hibited transmission in the parcel post mails exchanged between the contracting Administrations, or which did not conform to the stipulations of this Convention, or which were not posted in the manner prescribed, but the coun- try responsible for th~ loss, rifling or damage may pay indemnity in respect to such parcels without recourse to the other Adminis- tration. 3. Either of the two Adminis- trations may, at its option, repay to the rightful claimant of in- demnity, in case of complete loss, irreparable damage of the entire contents, or theft of the entire contents ()f a C. O . D. parcel, in addition to the postage, the C. O . D. fee, when requested. The insurance fees are not in any case returned. 4. When less than the proper amount is collected from the ad- dresseeon delivery~ through fault of the Postal Service of either co untry, the sender shall be entitled only to indemnity equal to the difference between the amount erroneously collected and the amount of the collect-on - delivery charge which should have been collected as indicated by the sender at the time of mailing. 5. Until the contrary is proved, responsibility for a C. O . D . parcel rests with the country which hav- ing received the parcel, without making any observation and being furnished all necessary particula,rs for inquiry, is unable to show its proper disposition or, if delivered, the transmission of the correct collect-on-delivery charges to the owner, unless it can show that the failure to collect and remit the correct collect-on-delivery charges was due to fault of the sender or the Administration of the country of origin. ha ezeket a targyakat az utanve- teli osszeg beszedese elleneben kezbesitettek; hasonl6kepen nem jar karterites roml6 tfirgyakert, tovabba olyan targyakert, ame- lyeknek postacsomagban val6 kiildese ft szerzodo igazgatasok kozott tilos, ugyszinten olyan csomagokert, amelyek ez egyez- meny felteteleinek nem feleInek meg, vagy amelyeket nem az elOirt m6don adtak postara; az elveszesert, kifosztasert vagy meg- seriiIesert felelos igazgatas azon- ban az ilyen csomagokert ktirteri- test adhat a nelkiil azonban, hogy a masik igazgatas ellen visszkere- settel fordulhatna. 3. A ket igazgatas mindegyike . Re!mbUl'Sement (or jogosult sajat elhatarozasa sze_. os s e.s · rint vala.mely uttinveteles csomag teljes elveszese vagy a teljes tar- talom j6va nem teheW megse- riilese, illetve kifosztasa eseten a jogosult ktirigenyl{)nek kerelmere a sztilliMsi dijakon feliil az uttinve- teli dijakat is visszafizetni. A biztositasi dijakat semmiesetre sem fizetik vissza. 4. Ha a ket orszag postaigaz- er:gTarmstroBot (talk)ni~~::TarmstroBot (talk) 17:56, 18 January 2013 (UTC) gatasakoziilazegyiknekmulaszta- leeted from Ilddressee. sa folytan valamdy utanveteles csomag cimzettjetola feltiintetett utanveteli osszegnel kevesebbet szedtek be, a felad6nak csak olyan osszegii karteritesre van joga, amely megfelel a tevesen besze- dett as a felad6 altaI a feladaskor megjelolt osszegek kozti kiilonb- segnek. 5 Az ellenkez6 bebizon~tas- Responslbl.1 lt y o( • " £ country receiving !I ig az utanveteles csomagert ftZ az parcel. igazgatas felel6s, amely a csoma- got kifogas nelkiil atvette es am- bar a vizsgalat celjaira sziikseges osszes eszkozok birtokaba jutott, nem tudja bebizonyitani a cso- magr61 tett sajat intezkedeset, vagy ha azt kezbesitettek, nem tudjaigazolni azutanveteli osszeg- nek az uttinveteles csomag felad6- ja reszere tortent atutala.sat, ha- csak be nem tudja bizonyitani, hogy a helyes uttinveteli osszegnek beszedesenel es atutalasanal tor- tent hiba a felad6 vagy a felvev6 igazgatas terhere esik.