Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/1288

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2896 POSTAL AGREEMENT-HUNGARY. Df'cember 15, 1930. January 15, 1031. ResponsibIlIty of packing. Article IV. The responsibility of properly closing, packing and sealing C. O. D. parcels lies upon the sender and the postal service of neither country will assume liability for loss arising from defects whicb. may not be observed at the time of posting. Article V. teTarmstroBot (talk)irTarmstroBot (talk):mtremit- 1. The entire amount of the collect-on -delivery charges with- out any deduction for money order fee or "collection" charges is to be remitted to the sender by CO?ITarmstroBot (talk) 17:55, 18 January 2013 (UTC)e~ro~ abd~ means of an international money dressee. order. The post office delivering the C. O . D. parcel will collect from the addressee the full amount of the C. O. D. charges and in addition thereto sueh money order fee or fees as are required to remit the amount of the C. O. D . charges to the sender . I b in the country of origin. No exanunat on y 2E.t' fth tt addressee until charges • xamtna IOn 0 e con ens paid. ofaC.O.D.parcelbythead- dressee is prohibited until the C. O. D. charges and any other charges that may be due thereon have been collected even though the sender or addressee may make request that such action be per- mitted. Information to ac- company advice. Exchange offices. Article VI. The C. O. D. money order ad- vice lists shall show, in addition to the usual details, the C. O. D. (lnsurance) number of the parcels. No C. O. D. money order shall be listed unless the remitter's name and payee's name and exact ad- dress are included. Article VII. 1. Parcels with C. O . D . charges shall be exchanged through the same offices as are appointed for the exchan~e of insured parcels . h f without C. O. D. charges. Direct dispatc €S 0 Th h f COD coilect on delivery e exc anges 0 . • • articles. parcels between such offices shall be effected in direct dispatches in IV. Cikk. Az utanveteles csomagok sza- batos lez8.rtisaert, csomagoltisa.ert es pecseteleseert val6 felel(Ssseg 8. felad6t terheli es egyik posta- igazgattis sem vaIlalja 8. felel(Ssse- get azokert a hianyokert, ame- lyek a feladas id6pontjaban eszre nem veheW hianyokb61 szarmaz- tak. V. Cikk . 1. A teljes utanveteli osszeget es pedig minden postautalvany- vagy beszedesi dij levonasa nelkiil nemzetk{'lzi postautalvany utjan kell a feIad6nak megkiil- deni. Az utanveteles csomagot kezbesitd postahivatal a cim- zetWI heszedi a teIjes utanveteli osszeget es azonfeliil azt 8. posta- utalvanydijat vagy egyeb dijat, ame]y az utanveteli osszegnek 8. felvev6 orszagb8. a felad6 reszere val6 megkiildeseert jar. 2. A cimzett mindaddig nem vizsg8.lhatja meg az ut8.nveteles csomag tartalmat, amig az utan- veteli osszeget es 8. csomagot terheI6 esetleges egyeb dijakat Ie nem fizette; ez aITa az esetre is ervenyes, ha a feIad6 vagy 8. cimzett ilyen eljar8.s megenge- deset kerelmezi. VI. Cikk. Az utanveteli utalvanyok jegy- zekenek tartaImaznia keH, az e~ebkent szokasos adatokon kiviil, 8. csomagok utanveteli (erteknyilv8.nittisi) szamat is. A jegyzekben minden ut8.nveteli utalvany mellett fel keH tiintetni 8. felad6 nevet, tovabba 8. cimzett nevet es pontos cimet. VII. Cikk. 1. Ut8.nveteIes csomagokat ugyanazok a kicsere16 kivatalok utjan kell valtani, mint az ertek- nyilvanitassal eHat-ott, ut-anv&- tel1el nem terhelt csomagokat. Az utanveteles csomagoknak ezek kozt a hivatalok kozt val6 kicsereIese kozvetlen zarlatok ut-