Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/1286

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2894 POSTAL AGREEMENT-HUNGARY. Dpccmher 15, Hl30 . January 15, 1931. December 15, 1930. J anullry 15, 1931. Agreement between the United States oj America and Hungary Jor collect· on-delivery postal service. Signed at Budapest, December 1.5, 1931), at Washington, January 1.5, 1931,' approved by the President, January 21, 1931. AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND HUNGARY FOR COLLECT-ON-DELIVERY SERVICE. ~eTarmstroBot (talk) 17:55, 18 January 2013 (UTC)tO~r~liHi{J. For the purpose of concluding gary. arrangements for the exchange between the United States of America (including Alaska, Ha- waii, Porto Rico, Guam, Samoa, and the Virgin Islands of the United States) and Hungary of parcels marked for the collec- tion of trade charges, the under· signed WALTER F. BROvVN, Postmaster General of the United States of America, and GABRIEL BARON SZALAY, Director Gen- eralofPostsofHungary, by virtue of authority vested in them, have agreed upon the following articles·' Article I. Admission of collect- 1. Parcel post pack~es ad- on-delivery parcel-post packages. missible for mailing an insur· Vol. 4 .5, p. 2677. ance under the Parcel Post Con- vention signed at Budapest the 3rd day of July, 1928, and at Washington the 16th day of August, 1928, and having charges to be collected on delivery, shall be accepted for mailing from Hungary to any money order post office in the United States of America or from the United States of America to any post office in Hungary. Acc.eptance only 2 COD parcels shall be ac- when Insured. •• •• • Separ~\ion from ordi- cepted only when msured. C . O. nary mS! . D. parcels and the money orders issued in payment of the charges thereon shall be h(l.ndled apart from ordinary dispatches of par· eel post and from ordinary money orders. However, by mutual con· ~fay be extended to sent through correspondence, the unmsured matter. collect-on-delivery service may be extended to ordinary (unirc- sured) parcel post packages ex- changed between the two coun- EGYEZM~NY MAGYARORSZ10 ~S AZ AMERIKAI EGYEStJ'LT ALLAMOK KOZOTT AZ UT1NV~TELI SZOLGAI.AT T AROY1BAN. Abb61 a celb61, hogy az Ameri· kai Egyesiilt Allamok (ideertve Alaskat, a Hawai, Porto Rico, Guam, Samoa es a Virgin szigete. ket) es Magyarorszag kozt valtan- d6 utanveteles postacsomagokra nezve egyezmenyt kossenek, az alulirott dr. bar6 SZALAY GABOR a magyar kir. posta vez- erigazgat6ja es WALTER F. BROWN az Amerikai Egyesiilt Allamok postavezerigazgat6ja a rajuk ruhazott hatalomnal fogva a kovetkezo cikkekben allapod- tak meg: 1. Cikk. 1. Postacsomagok, amelyek a Budapesten az 1928. evi jUlius h6 3. napjan es Washingtonban 1928. evi augusztus h6 16. nap- jan alairt postacsomagszerzod6s ertelmeben erteknyilvanitas mel- lett val6 szallitasra elfogadhat6k es utanvctellel vannak terhelve, feladhat6k Magyarorszagb61 az Amerlkai Egyeswt Allamok min- den, postautalvlmyszolgalattal megbizott hivatalahoz as az Amerikai Egyesiilt .Allamokb61 minden magyar postahivatalhoz. 2. Csakis erteknyilv8.nitassal ellatott csomagokat lehet utan- vetellel megterhelni. Az utan- veteles csomagokat as az utan- vetel beszedese utan ki81litott postautalvanyokat a kozonseges postautalvanyokt61 elkiilonitve kell kezelni. Iratv81tas utjan tortentkolcsonosmegegyezes alap- jan azonban az utanveteli szol· g81atot a ket orsz8.g kozott ki- cserelt kozonseges (ertcknyilvlini· tassal el nero latott) csomagokra