Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/1231

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FRIEXDSHIP, ETC.• TREATY-EL SALVADOR. FEBRUARY 22, 1926. 2839 IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States of America to be affixed. DONE at the city of Washi.ngton this eighth day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and [SEAL] thirty, and of the Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and fifty-fifth. HERBERT HOOVER By the President: J P COTTON Acting Secretary of State. Protocol of Exchange Protocol. The undersigned Plenipotenti- aries met this day for the purpose of exchanging the ratifications of the Treaty of Friendship, Com- merce and Consular Rights be- tween the United States of Amer- ica and the Republic of El Salvador, signed at San Salvador on February 22, 1926. Before proceeding to the ex- chan~e, the Charge d'Affaires ad interun of the United States of America, being duly authorized thereto by his Goverment, here- by declares that it is the under- standing of the Government of the United States of America that the rights of commerce and naviga- tion accorded in respect of vessels by Article VII of the said treaty apply to merchant vessels and to none others, and that the author- ity granted in the second sentence of .Article XX to the consular officers of either country in the other to draw up, attest, certify and authenticate unilateral acts, deeds and testamentary disposi- tions of their countrymen and also contracts to which a country- man is a party is solely in order that such instruments may be effective in the territory of the State by which such consular officers have been appointed. These understandings bein~ in accordance with the modifications in the form of the treaty set forth in Legislative Decree of June 30, 1927, of the National Legislative Assembly of EI Salva- dor. the exchange of ratifications Los suscritos Plenipotenciarios I?terpretative decl&- . ill lb' ratIon. se reurueron este a con e 0 Jeto de intercambiar las ratificaciones del Tratado de Amistad, Comer- cio _y Derechos Consulares entre los Estados Unidos de America y 10. Republica de El Salvador, firmado en San Salvador el dia 22 de febrero de 1926. Antes do proceder 0.1 inter- Reciprocal freedom b· 1E ddN . of commerce, etc., ap- cam 10, e ncarga 0 e egoclOs plicable to merchan* interino de los Estados Unidos de vessels only. America, debidamente autorizado por su Gobierno, por el J>resente declara que entiende el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos de America que los derechos de Conercio y navegaci6n acordados con res- pecto a buques de conformidad con el Articulo VII de dicho Antt, p. 282l. tratado, se aplican unicamente a b0 te . ~ ot 0 Consular authentica· arc s mercan . s y a nm6 u,:!- r, tions of unihlterol acts, ~ que 10. autondad concedlda en etc. , of narionals of df dIArt t ul XX their country effective asegunarase e lC0 solely therein. a los oficiales consulares de un Ante, p. 2832 . pais en el otro para formular, dar fe, certificar y autenticar actos unilaterales, escrituras y disposi- ciones testamentarias de sus con- ciudadanos y tambien contratos en los cuales un conciudadano, es una de las partes, es s61amente para que tales instrumentos pue- dan ser efectivos en el territorio del Estado para el cual tales oficiales consulares hubieran sido nombrados. Esta inteligencia ests. de acuerdo con las modificaciones en 10. forma del tratado publicado en el De- creto Legislativo del 30 de Junio de 1927, por 10. Asamblea N acional Legislativa de El Salvador, el intercambio de ratificaciones de