Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/1223

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FRIENDSHIP, ETC., TREATY-EL SALVADOR. FEBRUARY 22, 1926. 2831 ARTICLE XVIII Consular officers may 'place over the ollter door of thell" re- spective offices the arms of their State with an appropriate in- scription designating the official office. Such officers may also hclst the fla~ of their country on their offices mcluding those situ- ated in the capitals of the two countries. They may likewise hoist such flag over any boat or vessel employed in the exercise of the consular function. The consular offices and ar- shall at all times be invio- lable. They shall under no circum- stances be subjected to invasion by any authorities of any cha.rac- ter within the country where such offices are located. Nor shall the authorities under any pretext make allY examination or seizure of papers or other property de- posited within a consular office. Consular offices shall not be used as places of asylum. No con- sular officers shall be required to produce official archives in court or testify as to their contents. Upon the death, incapacity, or absence of a consular officer having no subordinate consular officer at his post, secretaries or chancellors, whose official char- acter may have previously been made known to the government crl the State where the consular function was exercised, may tem- porarily exercise the consular function of the deceased or in- capacited or absent consular of- ficer; and while so acting shall enjoy all the rights, prerogatives and immunities granted to the incumbent. ARTICLE XIX Consular officers of either ~h Contracting Party may, within their respective consular districts, address the authorities, National, State, Provincial or Municipal, for the purpose of protecting the nationals of the State by which 57894 o-,'U_PT 2-76 ARTICULO XVIII Los funcionarios consulares co!~:;::tP:.nd flag at pueden colocar en la puerta ex- terior de sus respectivas oficinas el escudo de su pais con la leyenda correspondiente indicadora de la oficina oficial. ~sos mismos fun- cionarios podran tambien izar 10. bandera de suo pais en sus oficinas, incluyendo a aquellas establecidas en las capitales de uno U pais. Pueden igualmente izar 10. bandera en cualquier buque 0 em- barcaci6n empleada en el ejercicio de su funci6n consular. L fi. hi Inviolability of offices as 0 cmas y arc vos consu- and archives. lares seran en todo tiempo invio- lables. Por ninguna circunstancia estaran 8ujetos a allanamiento por parte de ninguna auturidad de cualquier caracter que sea del ~afs en que esten establecidos Tampoco podran las autoridades, con ningUn pretexto, efectuar nin- gUn examen 0 secuestro de docu- mentos u otros efectos depositados en las oficinas consulares. Los consulados no seran usados como lugares de asilo. Nose exigira a los funcionarios consulares la exhibici6n de sus archivos oficiales en los tribunales ni prestar decla- raciones acer(',a de su contenido. AI . If II . . t I Adinterimofficer~, ocurnr e a eClIlllen 0, a Recognition of, etc. inca.pacidad 0 ausencia de un funclOnario consular que carezco. de un oficial consular subordinaclv en su oficina, los secretarios 0 cancilleres, cuyo caracter oficial haya podido ser comlmicQdo pre- viamente al Gobierno del EstaJo donde se ejercia la funci6n con- sular, pueden desempeiiar tem- poralmente las funciones con- sulares del fallecido, incapaci- tado 0 ausente, y durante el tiempo que asi actuaren gozanin de todos los derechos, prerroga- tivas e inmlmidades acordadas al titular. ARTICULO XIX Los ,funcionarios consulares de wii~~ii?c~~:cro~i~~ cualqillera de las Altas Partes tectinlZ countrymen of Contratantes, podran, dentro de consuls, sus respectivos distritos consu- lares, dirigirse a las autoridades nacionales 0 de alguno de los estados 0 provincias, 0 munici-