Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/1207

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CONCILIATION TREATY-LUXEMBURG. APRIL 6,1929. 2815 and request their cooperation in the investigation. The High Contracting Parties agree to furnish the Permanent International Commission with all the means and facilities required for its investigation and report. The report of the Commission shall be completed 'within one year after th~ date on which it shall declare its investigation to have begun, unless the High Con- tracting Parties shall shorten or extend the time by mutual agree- ment. The report shall be pre- pared in triplicate; one copy shall be presented to each Government, and the third retained by the Commission for its files. The High Contracting Parties reserve the right to act inde- pendently on the subject matter of the dispute after the report of the Commission shall have been submitted. Article 4. The present treaty shall be ratified by the President of the United States of America by and with the advice and consent of the Senate thereof, and by Her Royal Highness the Grand Duchess of Luxemburg in ac- cordance with the constitutional law of Luxemburg. The ratifications shall be ex- changed at Luxemburg as soon as possible, and the treaty shall take effect on the date of the exchange of the ratifications. It shall thereafter remain in force continuously unless and until terminated by one year's written notice given by either High Contracting Party to the other. In faith whereof the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed this treatx in duplicate in the English and French languages, both texts having equal force, and hereunto affix their seals. en aviser lea deux Gouvernements et requenr leur collaboration dans l'examen du differend. Les Hautes Parties Contra.c - F~llities, etc. , to be tant . df. furnIShed. es COnVlennent e ourrur a ]0. commission internationale per- manente tous les moyens et faci- lites exiges en vue de l'examen at du rapport. Le rapport de 180 Commission Time, etc. , for report. devra ~tre termine dans Ie d6Iai d'un an apres qu'elle aura declare commencer ses investigations, a moins que les Hautes Parties Con- tractantes n'aient reduit ou etendu ce delai par un commun accord. Le rapport doit ~tre prepare en trois exemplaires; une copie en sera remise a chaque Gouverne- ment, et 180 troisieme copie sera v~rs~e aux archives de 10. Com- nusslon. L~ Hautes Parties Contrac- Independent action t tes L. Id.i . reserved. an se rtltlervent e rOlt c 'agll' independamment a I'egard du differend apres que Ie rapport de la Commission leur aura ete communique. Article 4. Le present traite sera ratifie Ratitlcation. par Ie President des Etats-Unis d'Amerique sur l'avis et avec Ie consentement du Senat des Etats-Unis, et par Son .ft. -ltesse Royale, 180 Grande-Duchesse de Luxembo~ en conformite des droits constl- tutionnels du Grand-Duche de Luxembourg. Les ratifications seront echan . Exchange of ratitlca. • - tlOns. gees a Luxembourg ausslt6t que possible, et ie traite entrera en vigueur a la date de l'echange des ratifications. n restera ensuite en vigueur sans limite de duree Duration. et il ne prendra fin que par une denonciation 6crite donnee par l'une ou I'autre des Hautes Parties Contractantes avec un preavis d'un an. En foi de quoi les plenipoten- Signatures. tieires respectifs ont signe Ie present traite dresse en deux exemplaires, l'un et l'autre en fran9ais et en anglais, les deux textes faisant egalement foi, et y ont appose leurs cachets.