Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/1203

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ARIHTRATION TREATY-LUXEMBURG. APRIL 6, 1929. 2811 Article 2. The provisions of this treaty shall not be invoked in respect of any dispute the subject matter of which a) is within the domestic ju- risdiction of either of the High Contracting Parties, b) involves the interests of third Parties, c) depends upon or involves the mamtenance of i he tradi- tional attitude of the United States concerning American questions, commonly. described as the Monroe Doctrine, d) depends upon or involves Luxemburg's policy of neutral- ity, e) depends upon or involves the observance of the obligati0ns of Luxemburg in accordance with the Covenant of the League of Nations. Article 3. The present treaty shall be ratified by the President of the United States of America by and with the advice and consent of the Senate thereof and by Her Royal Highness the Grand Duchess of Luxemburg in accord- ance with the constitutional law of Luxemburg. The ratifications shall be ex- changed at Luxemburg as soon as possible, and the treaty shall take effect on the date of the exchange of ratifications. It shall thereafter remain in force continuously un- less and until terminated by one year's written notice given by either Hjgh Contracting Party to the ~ther. In faith whereof the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed this treaty in duplicate in the English and French languages, both texts having equal force, and hereunto affix their seals. Done at Luxemburg, in dupli- cate, this sixth day of April one thousand nine hundred and twenty-nine. [SEAL] [SEAL] Article 2. Las dispositions du pr~nt CI~dTarmstroBot (talk)ects not In· traite ne pourront pas ~tre invo- quees en ee qui concerne lea differends dont l'objet: a) rel~vedelajuridictionna­ tionale de l'une ou de l'autre des hautes parties contractantes; b) touche aux inter~ts de tierces puissances; c) depend du maintien ou touche au maintien de l'attitude traditionnelle des Etats-Unis dana Ies affaires ammcaines, commun~mcnt connu sou~ Ie nom de doctrine de Monroe; d) depend du maintien ou touche au maintien de Ia politi- que de neutralite du Luxem- bourg; e) depend de l'observation ou touche au maintien des engage- ments du Luxembourg en con- formit6 du Pacte de la SocieM des Nations. Article 3. Le present traite sera ratifie par Ie President de~ Etats··Unis sur et avec Ie consentement du Senat des Etats-Unis et par Son Altesse Royale Ia Grande-Du- chesse de Luxembourg, en confor- mite de la loi constitutionnelle du Luxembourg. Ratification. Les ratifications seront echan- . Exchange of ratifica- • tlOns. gees a Luxembourg aussltOt que faire se pourra, et Ie traite prendra effet de la date de l'echange des ratifications. n Duration. restera ensuite en vigueur sans limite de duree et il ne prendra fin que par une denonciation ecrite donnee par l'une ou l'autre des hautes parties contractantes avec un preavis d'un an. En foi de quoi les pMnipoten- Signatures. tiaires respectifs ont signe Ie present traite dresse en deux exemplaires, l'un et l'autre en franc;ais et en anglais, les deux textes faisant egalement foi, et y ont appose leur cachet. Fait a Luxembourg, en double exemplaire, Ie six avril mil neuf cent vingt-neuf. EDWARD LYNDAL REED BEeR