Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/1179

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EXTRADITION, }~TC., TREATY-AUSTRIA. JANUARY 31, 1930. 2787 place, duly authenticated, shall be produced. H, however, the fugi- tive is merely charged with crime, a duly authenticated copy of the warrant of arrest in the country where the crime was committed, and of the depositions upon which such warrant may have been issued, shall be produced, with such other evidence or proof as may be deemed competent in the case. Article XII. In every case of a request made by either of the High Contracting Parties, for the arrest, detention or extradition of fugi- tive criminals, the appropriate legal officers of the country where the proceedings of extradition are had, shall assist the officers of the Government demanding the extra- dition before the respective judges and magistrates, by every appro- priate legal means wi thin their power. Article XIII. The :present Con- vention shall be ratIfied by the High Contractin~ Parties, m ac- cordance with theIr respective con- stitutional methods and shall take effect on the thirtieth day after the date of the 6xchange of ratifi- cations, which shall take place at Vienna as soon as possible, but it shall not oI>erate retroactively. On the day when the present Convention takes effect, tEe Con- ventionof July 3,1856 shall ce&8e to be in force except as to crimes therein enumerated and commit- ted prior to the date first men- tioned. The present Convention shall remain in force for a period of six months after either of the two Governments shall have given notice of a purpose to terminate it. In witness whereof the above named Plenipotentiaries have signed the present Treaty and have hereunto affixed their seals. Done in duplicate at Vienna this 31 r,' day of January nineteen hundred and thirty. &i~te!, ba~ bie SBtrnrteilung au~e­ wro~n l)Gt, btigebtcul)t )Derben. Sffimn aber ber ~li1d)tIing einer ®trafmt nur befdjuIbigt )Ditb, flnb eine ge~orig beg1aubigte !lbfdjrift he~ in hem Staate, )Do bie ~at btgangen tDutbe, etlaffenen ,f)aftbefeble8 fomie bet lu~ fagen, auf @runb tDeldja bet ()4ft,. befelJI wgeftent morben ift, unb fonftige, in bem borliegenben ~aUe geeignet erfdjeinenhe SBeroeife beiju" bringen•. ~rtifel XII. 3n iehem ~an eine(3 Legal assistance. bon einem her .po~en mertragfdjIiefien" ben ~eirt gefteUten !nfudjen(3 um &~aftung, ijeft~altung ober ~u(3" liefernng einet fTftdjtigen merbredjer(3 foUen bie Auftiinbigen 58eamten be~ @;taate(3, mo ba~ ~U(3Iiefernng(3.. berfa~ten ftattfinhd, bie SBeamten ber erfudjenben 9legiernng bei ben 9lidjtern unh 58e~orben mit aUen in i~rer IDladjt fte~enben gefe~Iidjen IDHttern untetftit~n. ~rtifel XIII. IDer bodiegenhe Sl3er.. Rati1lcation. trag foU bon ben .po~en mertrag .. fdjUefienben ~eilen, entfpredjenb i~rem berfaffung(3miifiigen merfa~ten, tati.. fiAiett merben unh am 30. ~age nadj bem ~u(3taufdj bet matififation(3ut.. funben, bet in 5IDien foba1b a1(3 mogIidj ftattfinben foU, in Jrtaft treten, abet feine ritCftDirfenhe Jrtaft Qaben. Wn bem ~age, an meldjem ber Treaty of 1856 at botliegenhe 5Bertrag in ~taft tritt, ro~a;rh, p. 691. foU ber Sl3ertrag born 3. 3uli 1856 feine ®eItung t>erlierm, auegenom.. Exception. men ~infi~tndj ber barin Ilufgqaijften unb bor bem erftgenannten ~age beritbten ftraf{)aten .panhIungen. IDer botliegenbe mertrag foU b~ Duration. fedj8 IDlonate nadj feiner ~nbigung burdj eine bet beiben 9legierungen in . iraft breiben. . 8u Urfunb beffen ~aben bie ollen SlgnatlJl'llll. genannten SBeboUmddjtigten ben bor- liegenben mertrag unterAeidjnd unh i~te @;iegel beigere~t. @efdje~en in Art>eifadjer ~u(3fertigung au 5IDien, am 31. 3linner ~intaufenh­ neun~unbertbteifiig. ALBERT nENRY WASHBURN. [SE.H] [SEAL] SCHOBER