Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/1146

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2754 CONVENTION-AMERICAN REPUBLICS. FEBRUARY 20, 1928. P\poipoteotiarl__ Costa Rica: Ricardo Castro Beeche, J. Rafael Oreamuno, Arturo C()Otulued. Tin oco. Chile: Alejandro Lira, Alejandrl) Alvarez, Carlos Silva Vild6sola, Manuel Bianchi. Brazil: RaUl Fernandes.).. Lindolfo Collor, Alarico da Silveira, Sampaio Correa, Eduardo .t.ispfnola. Argentina: Honorio Pueyrred6n, (Later resigned), Laurentino Olascoaga Felipe A. Espil. Para~uay: Llsandro Diaz Leon. Haiti: Fernando Dennis, Charles Riboul. Dominican Republic: Francisco J. Peynado, Gustavo A. Diaz, Elfas Brache, Ang~l Morales, Tulio M. Cestero, Ricardo Perez Alfonseca, Jacinto R. de Castro, Federico C. Alvarez. United States of America: Charles Evans Hughes, Noble Brandon Judah. Henry P. Fletcher, Oscar W. Underwood, Dwight W. Mor- row, Morgan J. O'Brien, James Brown Scott, Ray Lyman Wilbur, Leo S. Rowe. Cuba: Antonio S. de Bustamante, Orestes Ferrara, Enrique Her- nandez Cartaya, Jose Manuel Cortina, Aristides Agiiero, Jose B. Aleman, Manuel Marquez Sterling, Fernando Ortiz, Nestor Carbo- nell, Jesus Maria Barraque. EICl:"!lg~ of full 'Vbo, after depositing their full powers, which were found to be po;rers in good and due form, have agreed upon the following provisions: ARTICLE 1 Right 0: Sta:", In States have the right to establish by means of laws the conditions rcard to foreign ers. under which foreigners may enter and reside in their territory. ABTICLE 2 lurbdlcuoo onT. Foreigners are subject as are nationals to local jurisdiction and laws. due consideration being given to the limitations exprcs...<:ed in conventions and treaties.

!>fil:tary sen-ioo. etc.

Ll&lJility for ooo:r;· butions, etc. ARTICLE 3 Foreigners may not be obliged to perform military service; but those foreigners who are domiciled, unless they prefer to leave the country, may be compelled, under the same conditions as nationals, to perform police, fire-protection, or militia duty for the protection of the place of their domicile against natural catastrophes or dan- gers not resulting from war. ARTICLE 4 Foreigners are obliged to make ordinary or extraordinary contribu- tion~, as well as forced loans, always prcvided that such measurt~.s apply to the popUlation generally. ARTICLE 5 Iodi"iduaj guaTaD· States should extend t<' foreigners, domiciled or in transit through ties and civil rights enjoyed. their territory, all individual guaranties extended to their own na- Expulsion of. tionals, and the enjoymehc of essential civil rights without detriment~ as regards foreigners, to legal provisions governing the scope of and usages for the exercise of said rights and guaranties. AIm:CLE 6 For reasons of public order or safety, states may expel foreigners domiciled, resinent, or merely in transit through their territory.