Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/1143

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CONVENTION-AMERICAN REPUBLICS. FEBRUARY 20, 1928. 2751 The insurgent vessel, whether a warship or a merchantman, which If ftylnc !lac of a flies the flag of a foreign country to shield its actions, may also foreip COWltry. be captured and tried by the state of said flag. ARTICLE 3 The insurgent vessel, whether a warship or a merchantman, Dellveryofinsnrgent equipped by the rebels, which arrives at a foreign country or seeks fo~tin~"tug8i.n refuge therein, shall be delivered by the government of the latter to . the constituted government of the state in civil strife, and the members of the crew shall be considered as political refugees. .AllTIcu 4 The present convention does not affect obligations previously Obligations prey!· undertaken by the contracting parties through international agree- ~i!~ed~dertak:en not ments. After being signed, the present convention shall be submitted to Ratification. the ratification of the signatory states. The Government of Cuba is charged with transmittmg authentic certified copies to the govern- ments for the aforementioned purpose of ratification. The instru- Deposit of instru·' h11bd .d'th h' f h P IDent of ratification. men·0 rahcaIOnsa eeposlte In earclves0 te an American Union in Washington, the Union to notify the signatory governments of said deposit. Such notification shail be considered :-. "otificatlon. as an exchange of ratifications. This convention shall remain open to the adherence of non-sig'Ilatory states. In witness whereof the aforenamed plenipotentiaries sig-n the pres- 6ignaturfl.~. ent convention in Spanish, English, French, and Portuguese, in the city of Habana, the 20th day of February, 1928. PerU: JEsts M. SALAZAR, ViCTOR M. ~fAtRTt'A, Lns ER~r:sTO DENEGRI, E. CASTRO OYANOUREN. Uruguay: VARELA. Pr.nRG ERASMO C.U~()RDA. Panarrui: R. J . ALFARO, EDUARDO Cm.-\B.I. Ec-uador: GONZALO ZALD~MBIDE, ViCTOR Zr>'.llu.os . C . E . ALFARO. Me:rico: JULIO GARciA, FERNANDO GONZ,~LEZ ROA, SALVADOR 'C'RBINA, AQUILES ELORDUY. Salvador: J. GrSTAV0 Gt~O, HECTOR DAVID CASTRO, En. ALVAREZ. Guatemola: CARLOS SALAZAR. B . ALVARADO, LeIS BELTRANE-~A, J. AZmIDIA. Nicaragua: CARLOS CL'ADRA PAZOS, MAXlllO H. ZEPEDA, JOAQuiN GOHEZ.. Boli'l-oia: JOSE ANTEZANA, A. COSTA DU R. Venezuela: SANTIAGO KEy AYALA, FRANCISCO G. YANES. RAFAEL ANGEL AImAIZ. Oolomhin,: ENRIQUE OUYA HERRERA, R. Gt;TIERREZ LEE, ~T. M. YEPES. Hondura..'1: F. DAVILA, MARIANO VAZQUEZ. Costa Rica: RICARDO CASTRO BEECHE, J. RAFAEL OREAML'NO, A. TINOCO JUIENEZ. 5i894 c --31--PT2----il