Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/1137

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TREATY-TURKISH REPUBLIC. OCTOBER 1, 1929. (4) To the exercise of the maritime service of ports; roadsteads or seacoasts; nor to pilotage and towage; nor to diving; nor of maritime assistance and salvage; so long as such operations are carried out in the respective territorial waters, and for Turkey in the S~8. of Marmara. (c) All other exceptions not included in those mentioned above shall be subject to most-favored~nation treatment. ARTICLE IV 2745 . NothiJ;lg in this tr~aty shall be .construed t~ !~strict the ~gh~ of hi~i~g~~Oe\~~tP~ eIther High Cont.ractmg Party to Impose prohibItions or restnctlOns stricted. of a sanitary character designed to protect human, animal or plant life, or regulations for the enforcement of police or revenue laws. ARTICLE V The present Treaty shall be ratified and the ratifications thereof Ratification. shall be exehanged at Ankara as soon as possible. It shaH take effect at the instant of the exchange of ratifications and shall remain in effect for a period of three years and thereafter until one year from the Duration. date when either of the High Contracting Parties shall have notified the other of an intention to terminate it; with the reservation, how~ ever, that the obligations concerning national treatment contained Ante, p. 2744. in paragraph (a) Article III hereof may, after one year from the date of the exehange of ratifications, be terminated by either party on ninety days' written notice and shall cease sixty days after the enact~ ment of legislation inconsistent with the above-mentioned national treatment obligations by either of the High Contracting Parties. In Witness Whereof the respective plenipotentiaries have signed Signatures. the same and have affixed their seals thereto. Done at Ankara in duplicate in the English and Turkish languages whieh have the same value and will have equal force this :first day of October nineteen hundred and twenty-nine. JOSEPH C GREW [SEAL] ZEK.lI [SEAL] }'1 NUMAN [SEAL] AMERtKA MtrTTAHtT DEVLETLERt tLE TtrRKtYE CtrMHURtYETt Turkish text. ARASINDA TtCARET VE SEYRtSEFAtN MUAHEDENAMESt Ticart miinasebetlerini muhafaza ve te\" .... etmek, ve miitekabil iilkelerinde di~er Tarafm ticaret ve seyrisefainine bah!}edilecek muameleyi taym eylemek arzusunda olan Amerika ~.fiit'iiahit Devlet- leri ve Tiirkiye Ciimhuriyeti bir Ticaret ve Seyrisefain Muahedena- mesi aktine karar vermi~ler, ve bu maksatlf. AMERIKA MtJTTAHIT DEVLETLERI REISI HAZRETLERI: Tiirkiye'de Biiyiik EIc;i ve FevkaMde Murahhas Joseph C. Grew'yu; TtJRKIYE CtJMHURIYETI REISI HAZRETLERI: Diyaribekir Mebusu, SabIk Vekil, Biiyiik EIc;i Zeklli Bependi ile Hariciye Vek~eti Miiste~an Orta EIc;i Menemenli Numan Beyfendiyi murahhas tayin eylemi!}lerdir. Mezkl1r murahhasla~ salAhiyetnamelerini yekdigere tebli~ edip bunlan usuliine ml.l.vabk bularak atideki maddeleri karar la"tIrmI~ lardlr. .