Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/1119

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UNIVERSAL POSTAL UNION. June 28, 1929. Pour la Suede: Anders ORNE Gunnar LAGER Fr. SANDBERG Pour wSui.u,e: P. DCBOIS C. ROCHES L. ROlLET Pour la Tchicosioraqll i~: Dr Ot()kar RtZICKA Josef ZABRODSK"S:- Pour la Tunw: Jacques DUMAINE DUPONT Pour la Turquu: Ali RAANA Yusuf ARIFI Pour l' Union des Republiques Sovietistes Socialistes: Dr Eugene HIRSCHFELD M.KHODEEFF E. SYREVITCH Pour l' Uruguay: F. A . COSTANZO Pour l' Etat de la Cite du Vatican: W. A. S. HEWINS Pour us Etats-Unio de Venezuela: Luis Alejandro AGUILAR E. ARROYO LAMEDA 2727 P lenlpotentlarle&- Continued. Having examined and considered the provisions of the foregoing P~=~ o~ralthe Final Protocol to the Air-Mail Provisions, signed at London on the . 28th day of June, 1929, relative to the Universal Postal Convention of London, signed the same day, the same is by me, by virtue of the powers vested by law in the Postmaster General, hereby ratified and approved, by and with the advice and consent of the President of the United States. In witness whereof, I have caused the seal of the Post Office Depart- ment of the United States to be hereto affixed this eighth day of March, 1930. [SEAL] WALTER F. BROWN Postmaster General. I hereby approve the above-mentioned Final Protocol to the Air- p. ~~:~a1 by the Mail Provisions and in testimony thereof have caused the seal of' . the United States to be hereto affixed. [SEAL] HERBERT HOOVER By the President: J P COTTON Acting Secretary oj State. WASHINGTON, March 13, 1930.