Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/1043

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UNIVERSAL POSTAL UNION. June 28, 1929. 2651 ~crnee A chacune d'elles par Particle 24 de 10. Convention. Les exemplaires suppIementaires de- mandes par les Administrations so~t payes. A part, d'apr~ leur pnx de reVlent. ARTICLE 83. Rapport annuel. Le Bureau international fait sur sa gestion un rapport annuel qui est communique a toutes les Administrations. ARTICLE 84. utive unit assigned to each of them by Article 24 of the Con- vention. Additional copies re- quested by AdministratlOns are paid for separately, in accordance with their selling price. ARTICLE 83 Annual Report The International Bureau makes. an annual report of its operations, which is sent to all the Administrations. ARTICLE 84 Allee, p. 2537. .~nnulll report. Langue officielle du Bureau Ojficial language oj the Interna- national. tional Bureau La langue officielle du Bureau The official language of the In- don:;r language in~ernational est la langue fran- ternational Bureau is the French a op . 98.lSe. language. ARTICLE 85. ARTICLE 85 Coupons-reponse. Cartes d'iden- Reply coupons. Identity cards. Replycoupons,lden- tiM. Tableau des equivalents. Table oj equivalents tity cards, ('tc. Le Bureau international est charg~ de la confection et de l'approvisionnement des coupons- reponse et des cartes d'identite, ainsi que de l'etablissement et de la distribution du tableau des equivalents pr~ a Particle 5 ci=dessus. ARTICLE 86. Balance et liquidation des comptes. 1.-Le Bureau international est charge d'operer la balance et la liquidation des comptes de toute nature relatifs au service inter- national des postes entre les Ad- ministrations qui declarent vou- loir emprunter son intermediaire. Celles-ci se concertent, a cet eifet, entre elles et avec ce Bureau. 2.-8ur la demande des Admi- nistrations interessees, les decomp- tes Mlegraphiquee peuvent aussi ~tre indiques au Bureau inter- national pour entrer dans la compensation des soldes. 3. - ChaqueAdministration con- serve Ie droit d'etablir a son The International Bureau is Manufacture and charged with manufacturing and supply. supplying reply coupons and iden- tity cards as well as with pre- paring and distributing the table of equivalents contemplated by Article 5 above. Antt, p. 2 .58.'l. ARTICLE 86 Balancing and settkment oj ac- counts 1. The International Bureau is Settlement or so- charged with effecting the balanc- counts. ing and settlement of accounts of all kinds relating to the inter- national postal service among the Administrations which declare themselves wiIling to .use its intermediary. The latter come to an agreement to that effect among themselves and with the Bureau. 2. At the request of the Admin- Telegraphic ae- istrations concerned, telegraphic counts. accounts may also be transmitted to the International Bureau, to be included in the striking of balances. 3. Each Administration re- Special accounts. serves the right to make up, at