Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/1032

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2640 UNIVERSAL POSTAL UNION. June 28,1929. modele 0 ~1 A l'Admjnjstration centrale de 1'0fIice dont releve l'entrepOt. ARTICLE 69. Services extraordina.ires. Extraordinary servo Ind~pend8.mmentdes transports lees. a~riens som seuls consideres com- me services extraordinaires, don- nant lieu a des frais de transit spooiaux, Ie service entretenu pour Ie transport territorial acceiere de la Malle dite des Indes et le service special automobile Pales- tine ou Syrie-Iraq. Accounting, etc. Transit charges. Ca1cl1lation of. AfIte, p. 2634. CHAPITRE II. Comptabilite. Reglement des comptes. ARTICLE 70. Compte des frais de transit. 1. -Pour l'etablissement des comptes de transit, les sacs legers, moyens et lourds, tels g,u'ils sont definis a l'article 62 ci-deS8U8, sont portes en compte respectivement pour les poids moyens de 4, 12 et ~4- kilogrammes. ~.-Le poids des dcp&hes closes, Ie nombre des correspondances transmises A decouvert et, Ie cas echeant, le nombre des sacs entre- pos~ dans un port, sont multi- plies par 26, ou 13 selon le cas, et les produits servent de base A des comptes particuliers etablis- sant en francs les sommes an- nuelles revenant A chaque Office. Dans Ie cas Oll Ie multiplica- teur 26 ou 13 ne repond pas au trafic normal echange par un service, les AdministratIons in- teressees s'entendent pour l'adop- tion d'un autre multiplicateur qui vaut pendant les annees aux- quelles s'applique la statistique. Le soin de dresser les comptes incombe a l'OjJiee crediteur qui les transmet a l'Ojfice debiteur. S. -A fin de tenir compte du poids des sacs et de l'emballage, ainsi que des categories de cor- Initted with the Forms C 21 to the central Administration of the country to which the warehouse belongs. ARTICLE 69 Extraordinary services Apart from transportation by air mail, the service maintained for the accelerated land convey- ance of the so-called India Mail, and the special motor service from Palestine or Syria to Iraq, are alone considered as extraor- dinary services giving rise to special transit charges. CHAPTER II ACCOUNTING. ADJUSTMENT OF AC- COUNTS AR'fICLE.. 70 Transit-charge account 1. For the preparation of the transit accounts, the light, me- dium and heavy sacks, as defined by Article 62 preceding, ara entered in the accounts for their average weights of 4, 12 and 24 kilograms respectively. 2. The weights of the closed mails, the number of articles sent in open mail, and, if occasion arises, the number of sacks ware- housed in a port, are multiplied by26or13, as thecasemaybe, and the products serve as the basis of the individual accounts showing, in francs, the annual sums due to each Admjnjstration. In case that the multiplier 26 or 13 does not correspond to the normal traffic thru a service, the Administrations concerned come to an agreement for the adoption of another multiplier which holds good during the years to which the statistics apply. The duty of making up the accounts is incumbent upon the creditor Administration, which transmits them to the debtor Ad- ministration. 3. In order to take account of the weight of the sacks and the packing, as well as of the classes