Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/954

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2630 TRF~TY-HONDURAS. DECmIBEB7, 1927. are o~ to consular representa- tives Of any foreign country. e:'~O:':I~f~:t Consular officers of each of favored nation. the High Contracting Partiesshall afte.l' mtering ullon their duties, enjoy. ,reciprocally in the terri- tories of the' other all the rights, privilftge8, exemptions aild im- munities which are enjoyed by officers of the same grade of the most favored nation. As official ~ents, such officel'l!l shall be en- titled to the high consideration of all officials, national or local, with whom they have official inter- course in the State which,receives them. ~xequatun to Ilrsue. The Government of each of the High' Contracting Parties shall furnish free of charge the neees- sa!'Y exequatur of such consular officers of the other as present a relfU!ar commission signed by the chief executive of the appointing State and under its ~at see.[; and it shall iSsue to a subordinate or substitute consular officer duly a.ppOinted ~ e.n accepted superior consular officer with the approba- tion of. his GovernmentJ... or by any other competent omcer of that Government, such docu- ments asaccorditlg to the laws of the res~tive countries shall be requisite for the exercise by the appointee of the consular func- tion. On the exhibition of an exequatur, or other doCument issued in lieu thereof to such sub- ordinate, such consular officer ahall be permitted to enter upon his duties aild to enjol. the rights1 privileges' and immumties granted. by thiS Treaty. Consular m:emptlon l'om arrest. ARTT'JLE XVII. ConsUlar officers, nationals of the State by which they are ap- pointed, shall be exempt from arrest except when charged with the commission of offenses locally designated as crimes other than misdemeanors and subjecting the individual £nrilty thereof to pun- ishment. Such officers t>hall be exempt from miUtary billetings, niente y que estuvieren abiertos a representantes COI18ulares de eual- quier otro pats 811tranjero. Los funcionarios oonSu18l"e8 de cada una de J.aa Altas P~tea Con.. tratantes gozarin al entrar en el ejereicio de sus funeioneB, :rectpro-- camente en losterritorios de la otra, de tod08 los dereehos, pri- vilegios, exeIl.cionea e inmunid&des de que gozaren los funcionariOlil de igulil categotfa de la nacion mu favorecida. En su caracter de agentes oficialesl tendran derecho a la alta consid.~raci6n de todos los funcionarios'naeionales 0 loca- les, con quienes. tuvieren inter- cam:bio .oficial de relaciones en el Est&do que los feeibe. El OObiemo· de cada una de las Altas Partes Contratantes exten- derA.libre de dereehos e1exequ4.tur eorrespondiente de los agentes conaula.res de la otta, a 1a. presen- taci6n de 1a. pa~nte consUlar en fOi"IIla, firmada ,Por el Jefe del Ejeeutivo del Estado que los nombrare y sellade) con el Sello Mayor; y extenderA. tambi~ a. un subordinado U oficial consular suplente debidamente nombrado por un eonsul superior .acreditado en el pars y con Ia aprobaci6n de su GOQiemo, 0 por otro funciona- rio competente de ese. Gobiemo, los documentos <lue de aeuerdo con las 1eyes de 108 respectivos pa.f~ p~en los re<J.uisitos para el e]erclclo de su fun<}i6n consUlar. Ala presentaci6n de lJ,Il exequMur u otro documento que haga sus veces, extendido a. favor de dicho subordinado, el oficial consular podd. entrar en el ejereicio de sus funciones y gozar de los derechos, privilegios e inmunidades aeor- dadas en este Tro.tado. ARTICULO XVII. Los funcionarios consulares, nacionales del Estado que los nombra, estaran exentos de ser arrestados salvo cuando fueren enjuiciados por la comisi6n de ofens as que Iocalmente se desig- nen como delitos, que no. sean una falta, y q,ue sujeten 10. culpa- bilidad indiVldual consiguiente a una pena. Dichos funcionarios