Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/888

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2564 INTERNATIONAL SANITARY CONVENTION. JUNE 21,1926. Governments shall make known through the International Office of Publio Hygiene those of their )lorts possessing the equipment and IlIIIIle of dentlaation, personnel ,="ec~ary fo~ the deratisation !>f s!llps. . . and deratlaation ex- A deratisation oertific.te or a derat18atlOn exemptlOn certificate emption oertiftcates. shall be issued only by the sanitary authority of the aforesaid ports. The certifioate shall be valid for six months. One additional month however may be allowed in the case of a ship proceeding to its home Action of port sanl- portlf' alid


• ddh' h- h taryauthority. nov certuwate 18 pro uce , t e sarutary aut onty at t e ports mentioned in the second paragraph of this Article may after mquiry and inspection: 1IU~::;:l:u:dt!: (a) Directly perform the deratisation of the vessel, or cause it ti1lcate, by. to be done under its direction and supervision. When c0l!lPleted to its satisfaction it shall issue a dated DeratiBation Oertificate. It shall decide on each case what proceBB shall be employed practically to exterromate the rats on board, particulars of the mode of derat- ising applied and of the number of rats destroyed must be entered on the Certificate. Destruction of rats must be accompJished in a man- ner that Will as far as possible save the ship and cargo (if any) from injury. The oJ>6ration must not last longer than 24 hours. In the case of vessels m ballast, it must be done before loading. All charges on account of these operatioris of deratiMtion and all claims, if any, Issu f d t' ti for dlJ,m8ges shall be settled according to the terms of Article 18. exemp~ign ~i~t~~ (b) IssUe a D~ratisation Exemption Certificate stating the date and grounds if it is satisfied that the ship is maintained in such a condition that the rat population is reduced to a minimum. The deratisation and deratisation exemption certificates shall be drawn up as far as pOBBible in a uniform manner. Forms of such certificates Will be prepared by the International Office of Publio HY,fb·ene . Yearly statement to h h'fh d tak Public Hypene 00108. e competent aut onty () eac country un er as each year to furnish the International Office of Public Hygiene with a statement of the measures taken under this article and the number of ships which have been subjected to deratisation, or which have been granted deratisation exemption certificates, at the ports referred to in the second pa.r&g!'&ph of this Article. The International Office of Public Hygiene is requested to take in accordance with Article 14 all steps for the interchange of in- formation as to the action take.n under this Article and the results obtained. .::'~~ riShta not The provisions of this Article do not affect the rights accorded . 4nU,p.2M2 . to sanitary authorities b:r Articles 24-27 of this Convention. ~!et~~tructlon in The Governments shall see that all reguisite and practicable meas- ures are taken by the competent authorities to accomplish the destruc- tion of rats in ports and the dependent and neighboring parts as well as on lighters and coastwise vessels. Cholera. Ships c1asa1fled. Infected. Suspected. Unlnfected. B.CHOLERA. ARTICLE 29. A ship shall be regarded as infected if there is a CBBe of cholera on board, or if there has been a case of cholera during the five days previous to the arrival of the ship in port. A ship shall be regarded as 8'U8pected if there has been a case of cholera at the time of departure or du~ingJhe voyage, but no fresh case in the five days previous to arrival. The ship shall continue to be regarded as suspect until it has been subjected t.o the measures prescribed by the present Convention. A ship shall be considered 'Unirifected notwithstanding tha.t it came from an infected port or that it may have on board persons