Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/814

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2490 EXTRADITION CONVENTION-HONDURAS. FEBRUARY 21,1927. powers, found to be in due and haberlos encontrado en buena y proper form, have agreed upon debida forma, han convenido en the following articles: los articulos siguientes: ARTICLE I A~ditional crimes ex· The following punishable acts ~~rbl:7, p. 1619, are hereby added to the list of amended. crimes numbered 1 to 21 in Article II of the Convention of Narcotic traffic. Janua.ry 15, 1909, that i~ to say: 21-Crimes ~ainst tbe laws for the suppreSSIon of the traffic in narcotic products. Infractions of eus- 22-Infractions of the customs toms laws. laws or ordinances which may constitute crimes. ARTICLE II Considered part of Th tC ti' h11 former Convention. e presen onvenonsa Vol. 37, p.16t6. be consIdered as an integral part of the aforementioned Extradition Convention signed January 15, 1909, and it is a~reed that the offense of Earticlpation as an Accessories. b fhf Vol. 37, p. 1619. accessory e ore or a ter t e act, numbered 21 in the Convention of 1909, shall now be numbered twenty-three (23), and the of- fenses set forth in Article I hereof shall be numbered 21 and 22 ApplicatloD of para- respectively. The paragraph re- graph. latmg to participation "as an accessory before or after the fact," now renumbered 23, shall be applicable under appropriate cir- cumstances to all the crimes and offenses now numbered 1 to 22 inclusive. Exchange of ratifi· cations. Eftective date. ARTICLE III The present Convention shall be duly ratified by the President of the United. States of America, by and with the advice and con- sent of the Senate thereof, and by the Government of the Republic of Honduras; and the ratifications shall be exchanged at Tegucigal- pa as soon possible. This Convention shall take ef- fect from the day of the exchange of the ratifications thereof; but either Contracting Party may at any time terminate the same on giving to the other six months no- tice of its intention to do so. ARTfcULO I Queda adicionada Ill. lista de delitos antes referida, con los siguientes hechos punibles: 21-Delitos contra la.s leyes para Ill. supresi6n del trafico de productos narc6ticos. 22-Infracciones de las ieyes y ordenanzas de aduana que fueren constitutivas de delitos. ARTICULO II La presente Convenci6n sera. considerada como parte inte- grante de la. precitada. Conven- ci6n de Extradicion, firm ada. el 15 de enero de 1909; y se con- viene en que el delito de com- plicidad 0 encubriIniento, nume- rado 21 en la. Convenci6n de 1909~ ahora llevara. el numero 23, y que los delitos contenidos en el Articulo I de Ill. presente Con- venci6n quedaran numera.dos 21 y 22. EI que se refiere a. la. compliclda.d 0 encubrimiento, y que ahora. lleva. el nmnero 23, sera. aplicable en su caso a todos los delitos y crimenes que ahora llevan los numeros del 1 al 22 inclusive. ARTICULO III La. presente Convenci6n sera debidamente ratificada por el Presidente de los Estados Unidos de America., con consejo y con- sentiIniento del Senado de los mismos y por el Gobierno de la. Republica de Honduras, y las rati- ficaciones se canjearan en Teguci- galpa. tan pronto como sea. posible. Esta Convenci6n entrara en vigor desde el dia del canje de las ratificaciones; pero cualquiera de las Contra.tantes puede en cualquier tiempo darla. por ter- minada, avisando a Ill. otra con seis meses de anticipaci6n su intenci6n de hacerlo asi.