Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/745

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PAN-AMERICAN POSTAL UNION. NOVEKBER 9, 1926. 2421 PROTOCOLO FINAL DE LA CONVENCION PRINCIPAL En el momento de firmar la Convenci6n Principal concluida por el Segundo Congreso Postal Panamericano, los Plenipoten- ciarios que suscriben, han con- venido 10 siguiente: I AI establecerse el Ferrocarril Panamericano, cada uno de los paises contratantes contribuira al sostenimiento del servicio de transporte de corresJ>ondencia por el IDlsmo, proporclOnalmente al peso de 10. que expida, en caso de que no se obtuviere el trans- porte gratu;.to. II Los paises contratantes se com- prometen agestionar de las Com- pa:iiias de N avegaci6n que trans- porten su correspondencia al ex- trajero, 10. rebaJa de los fletes actuales y que, en ningtin caso, cobren por el servicio de regreso una suma mayor de la que perci- ban del pais de origen. Queda entendido que 10. clau- sula que precede no afecta a los casos en que, por privilegio de paquete 0 de otra naturaleza, esten obIigadas al transporte gratuito. III Panama deja constancia de que no puede aceptar las disposi- ciones del parrafo primero del articulo 2 de la Convenci6n, re- lativas ala gratuidad del transito. IV Argentina, Bolivia, Brasil, Chile, Ecuador, ESlla:iia, Guate- mala, Paraguay y Uruguay, sa reservan el derecho de fijar las equivalencias de sus tasas en fr8.llcos oro, de acuerdo con la unidad monetaria de la Uni6n Postal Universal de Estocolmo. FINAL PROTOCOL FInal protocol. OF THE PRINCIPAL CONVENTION At the moment of signing the Agr~ment of Plen!· Principal Convention concluded potentlarles. by the Second Pan-American Postal Con~ess, the undersigned PlenipotentIaries have agreed upon the following: I When the Pan-American Rail- Pan·~meri~n RaIl· . bli hed h f way mail serVille. way 18 esta s ,eac one 0 the contracting countries will con- tribute to the maintenance of the mail transportation service there- by, in proportion to the weight of the, correspondence which it dis- patches, in case that gratuitous transportation is not obtained. II The contractin", countries are }teduction of steam· bd <;>. h h ship rates, ew. oun to negotiate Wit t e steamship companies transport- ing their correspondence to for- eign countries for a reduction in the present rates, and in order that they may in no case collect, for the return service, an amount greater than that which they col- lect from the country of "rigin. It is understood that the fore- going clause does not affect cases where, on account of packet or other privileges, they are obliged to effect the transportation gra- tuitously. III Panama records the fact that Free transit t!lrougb . h'. Panama not accepted. It can not accept t e prOVISIOns of the first paragraph of Article ...tnt. , p . 2110 . 2 of the Convention relative to gratuity of transit. IV Arg . B Ii . B a.zil Gold franc as mone- en tina, 0 Via, r , tary unit in deslinated Chile, Ecuador, Spain, Guate- Cl'luntrles. mala, Par8¥uay and Uruguay re- serve the nght to fix the equiva- POll, p . 2iU. lents of their rates in gold francs, in accordance with the monetary unit of the Universal Postal Con- Vol.", p. zm vention of Stockholm.