Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/743

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PAN-AMERICAN POSTAL UNION. NOVEMBER 9, 1926. 2419 Articulo 23 Article 23 PROPOSICIONES PARA LOS PROPOSITIONS FOR UNI- CONGRESOS UNIVERSA- VERSAL CONGRESSES LES Todos los paises que forman Ia Uni6n Postal Panamericana, Be comunicarll.ll por conducto de Ia Oficina Internacional de Monte- video, las proposiciones que for- mulen para los Congresos Pos- tales Universales, con un ano de anticipaci6n a la fecha en que deb a celebrarse elCongresodeque se trate, para que, una vez puestos de acuerdo, apoy-en unanima- mente las proposlCiones de ca- racter g~neral, quedando excep- tuadas unicamente aquellas que s610 conciernan a los paises propo- nentes. Articulo 24 NUEVAS ADHESIONES En caso de una nueva adhesi6n, el Gobierno de 111. Republica Oriental del Uruguay, de comun acuerdo con el Gobierno del Pais interesado i determinara 111. cate- gorfa en a cual deba este ser inclufdo a los efectos del reparto de los gastos de Ia Oficina Inter- nacional. Articulo 25 VIGENCIA Y DURACION DE LA CONVENCION Y DE- POSITO DE LAS RATIFI- CACIONES 1. La presente Convenci6n, empezara a regir el 10 de julio de 1927 y quedara en vigencia sin limitaci6n de tiempo, reservan- dose cada una de las partes contratantes el derecho de ra- tirarse de esta Uni6n, mediante aviso dado por su Gobierno al de 111. Republica Oriental del Uruguay, con un ano de antici- paci6n. 2. El dep6sito de las ratifica- ciones se hara en la Ciudad de Mexico en el mas breve plazo posible, procurando que sea antes de la vigencia de los convenios a que se refiera, y de cada una de aquellas se levantara el acta All countries forming the Pan- . Submission of propo- A· al" . sltJons for Universal mencan Post Uillon will adVIse Postal Congresses. one another, thru the interme- diary of the International Office of Montevideo, of the proposi- tions which they may formulate for Universal Postal Congresses, one year in advance of the date on which the particular Congress in question is to be held, in order that, once that they have come to an understanding, they may unanimously support the propo- sitions of a general character, ex- cepting only those which con- cern the proposing countries alone. Article 24 NEW ADHERENCES In case of a new adherence CIlISsification of new • ' adhesIOns. the Government of the Repubbc of Uruguay, by common consent with the Government of the country concerned, will deter- mine the class in which the said country is to be included, for purposes of sharing the expenses of the International Office. Article 25 EFFECTIVE DATE AND DURATION OF THE CON- VENTION AND DEPOSIT OF RATIFICATIONS 1. The present Convention will Effective date. become effective July I, 1927, and will remain in force without time-limit, each one of the con- tracting parties reserving the Withdrawals. right to withdraw from this Union by means of notice given by its Government to that of the Republic of Uruguay one year in advance. De It 2. The deposit of ratifications tions JlOS of ratifies- will be effected in the City of Mexico as soon as possible, pre- ferably before the effective date of the Conventions in questio~l and the relative certificate will be made up for each of them, a copy of which will be sent by the