Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/721

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CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS OF CONGRESS. 2397 AWARDS FOR FIRST SUCCESSFUL TRANS-ATLANTIC FLIGHT. February 6,1929. [S. Con. Res, No. 33'1 Resolved by the Senate (the House oj Representatives concurring), Awards for tlrst aue- That in the enrollment of the bill (S. 4338) entitled "An Act to cessful Trans-Atlantic authorize the President to award, in the name of Congress, gold fIl~!frectiOn in enroll. of appropriate design to Albert C. Read, Elmer F. Stone, ment of bill relating to. Walter Hinton, H. C. Rodd, J. L . Breese, and Eugene Rhodes," ..tTlte, -p.ll68. the Secretary of the Senate is hereby authorized to amend the title thereof so as to read: "An Act to authorize the President to award, in the name of Congress, gold medals of appropriate design to John H. Towers, Albert C. Read, Elmer F.Stone, Walter Hinton, H. n . Rodd, J. L . Breese, and. Eugene Rhodes." Passed, February 6, 1979. CANALIZING THE OHIO RIVER. February 9, 1929. tH. Con. Res., No. 51.] Whereas the completion of the canalizing of the Ohio River from R~~1ng the Ohio Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, to Cairo, Illinois, represents an achieve- Pre~mble. ment of great importance in the development of the inland water- ways of the United States; and Whereas the Congress of the United States has by legislation con- tributed to the realization of this project; and Whereas a celebration commemorating the accomplishment of this great improvement is to be held October 15 to 20, 1929, at which officials of the UnIted States and of the States adjoining the Ohio River will attend; and Whereas it is fitting that the Congress of the United States be repre- sented at such celebration: Therefore be it Resolved by the House oj Representatives (the Senate concurring), That a committee consisting of three Members of the Senate to be 10lnt committee ., of the Senate and appomted by the PreSIdent of the Senate and three Members of the House, appointed to House of Representatives to be appointed by the Speaker of the attendoelebratJonof. House of Representatives shall represent the Congress of the United States at the celebration of the completion of the canalizing of the Ohio River from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, to Cairo, Illinois, tv be held October 15 to 20, 1929. The members of such committee shall Division of expenses. be paid their actual expenses, one-half out of the contingent fund of the Senate and one-half out of the contingent fund of the House of Rp,resentatives. Passed, February 9, 1929. STATUES OF HENRY CLAY AND DOCTOR EPHRAIM MCDOWELL. February 111, 1929. tn. Con. Res., No. lIS.] Resolved by the House oj Rtpresentati!Jes (the Senate concurring), That the statues of Henry Clay and Doctor Ephraim McDowell, by cTarmstroBot (talk) 00:24, 7 January 2012 (UTC)".j D~to;r~~r:. Charles H. Niehaus, presented by the State of Kentucky (said statues raim McDowell. being donated to the State of Kentucky by Isaac W. Bernheim), to be th!n'i.~eJft~g~n~ placed in Statuary Hall, are accepted in the name of thc United Kentucky for. States, and that the thanks of Congress be tendered the State for the PoC, p . 231/8. contribution of these statues of two of its most eminent citizens, illustrious for their distinguished services to the country. 2. Tha.t a copy of these resolutions, suitably engrossed and duly aoCOPf, etc. , to the authentica.ted, be tra.nsmitted to the Governor of Kentucky. vernor. Passed, February 19, 1929. 54835°-29-PT 2-46