Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/717

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CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS OF CONGRESS 2393 PURCHASE OF LAND IN LOUISIANA. May 17, 1928. [H. Con. Res., No. 38 .) Re80lved by the H0U8e oj Representati'De8 (the Senate concurring), 1 That the action of the Speaker of the House of Representatives x1uTarmstroBot (talk)a:.e 01 and In and of the Vice J>I:esident in signing th~ bill (H. R . 9568) entitled rel.!ft'::00:23, 7 January 2012 (UTC)~r~.b!ll "An Act to authonze the purchase at pnvate sale of a tract of land Ant., p. 2392. in Louisiana, and for other purposes," be rescinded, and that in the ..tnt., p. 1'l56. reenrollment of such bill the number" 58" be stricken out and the number" 158" be inserted in lieu thereof. Passed, May 17, 1928. WAR DEPARTMENT SURPLUS REAL PROPERTY. Re80lved by the Senate (the House oj Representatives concurring), That st!~ re!r~r~~t the President of the United States be, and he is hereby, requested Return 01 blr r~ to return to the Senate the bill (S. 3752) to amend section 3 of an la~:J~:.O, requested. Act entitled" An Act authorizing the use for permanent construction at military posts of the proceeds from the sale of surplus War De- partment real property, and authorizing the sale of certain military reservations, and for other purposes," approved March 12, 1926. Passed, MayJ1, 1928. WAR DEPARTMENT SURPLUS REAL PROPERTY. May 23, 1928. [s. Con. Res., No. ~1.1 Resolved by the Senate (the House oj Representati'ves concurring), That w~ rear:e~=-~~ the action of the Speaker of the House of Representatives IUld the SUWeenrollment of bill Vice President of the United States in signing the enrolled bill (S., ordered. 3752) to amend section 3 of an Act entitled" An Act authorizing ..tnt. , p. 773. the use for permanent construction at military posts of thelroceeds from the sale of surplus War Department real property, an author- izing the sale of certain military reservations, and for other purposes," approved March 12, 1926).. be and the same is hereby rescmded, and that the Secretary of the t)enate be, and he is hereby authorized and directed, in the re-enrollment of the bill, to make the following cor- rection: On page 2, line 11, of the engrossed bill strike out the word "therefore" and insert the word /I theretofore". Passed, May 23, 1928. YORKTOWN SESQUICENTENNIAL COMMISSION. May 28, 1928. !H. Con. Res., No. 43 .J Resolved by the House oj Representatives (the Senate concurring), That teJTarmstroBot (talk):~=I~~n­ there is hereby established a commission to be known as the United Established. States Yorktown Sesquicentennial Commission (hereinafter ~ferred to as the Commission) and to be composed of ten commissioners, Composition. as follows: Five Senators to be appointed by the President of the Senate, and five Members of the House of Representatives, to be appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives. The pe': .tl::wlthoutoom. commissioners shall serve without compensation and shall select a 1ec~~ to be Be- chairman from among their number. SEC. 2 . That it shall be the duty of the commissioners to prepare ~~r~n:a~tr:: and report a_plan or plans and a program for the commemoration of IngsleB8.etc. • ofYork- the siege of Yorktown, Virginia, and the surrender of Cornwallis on town. October 19, 1781, with an estimate of the probable cost; to give due and proper consideration to such plan or plans as may be submitted Tooonlerandooope. to them for said celebration; to confer with such civic associations atewlthclvl~ederat and organizations and with such other commissions. Federal, State, and State bo •