Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/709

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS. SESS. II. CEs.727-729. 1929. 2H85 CHAP. 727. -An Act Extendirlg benefits of the World War Adjusted Com- Mr.~th4.19211. pcnsation Act, as amended, to John J. Helms. - . n='c::[Si-;:.53.86.] [Private, No. 566 .1 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representative8 of the United State8 of in Congre8s assembled, That in adminis- JohnJ. Helms. tration of the World. War Adjusted Compensation Act, as amended, w~n~jjllsf~ 'bTarmstroBot (talk) John J. Helms, formerly private, Supply Company, One hundred ~'foation Act extend· and twenty-third Regiment United States Infantry, World War, . shall be held to be entitled to the benefits thereof in the same manner and with the same effect as if a separation irom the military forces of the United States on October 24,1918, had been honorable. Approved, March 4, 1929. CRAP. 72S .- An Act F0r the relief of William S. Shacklette. tiI~: TarmstroBot (talk). [Private, No. 567.1 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repre&eniatives of the United States 0/ America in Congre8s assembled, That hereafter I t1!,l!lJ= B. Bhack· William S. Shacldette, who was retired for physical disabilities, eRetl~~ pay In. incurred in line of duty at the tima of the explosion of the boilers of ~. the United States ship Bennington, at San Diego, California., July 21, 1905, and was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for "extraordinary heroism displayed at the time of the accident," shall receive the retired pay of chief pharmacist, equivalent to the maxi. mum pay and allowance of that grade provided by law. Approved, March 4, 1929. M&rclJ 4, 11129. CRAP. 729.-An Act 1.<'01 ' the relief of J. H. B . Wilder. [B. 6715 .) !PriVllte. No.668.I Be it enacted by tILe Senate and HOUS6 of Representatives of tM United States o/America in Congress '18sembled, That the Secretary ~"~~nt~~d%r In. of .the Treasury is hereby .authori~ed and dirt"cted to .pay to J. H . B. =:O~~:e'fo~~ WIlder, of Macf)n, GeorgIa, or hIS legal representatives, out of any aondltloDl. money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, such sum as . in the judgment of the Secretary of the Treasury, and not in excess of $7,106.96, would represent the increased cost to said J. H . B. Wilder, based upon changed conditions due to the World War, of completing his contract for the construction of the Federal building at Forsyth, Georgia. Apprond, March 4,1929.