Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/702

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2378 SEVENTIETH CONGRESS. SESS. II . CHS. 720-723. 1929. jurisdiction to hear and determine such suit and to enter a judg~ ment or decree for the amount of such damage and costs, if any, as shall be found to be due a~ainst the United States in favor of the said Atlantic Refining Compan; or against the said Atlantic Refining Company in favor 0 the United States, upon the same principles and measures of liability as in like cases between ~~'·etc. to At. private J;>arties with. the same !ights of appeal: Pr(;Vided, That torney Gener;J. such notIce of the SUIt shall be gIven to the Attorney General of the United States as may be provided by order of said court, and it shall be the duty of the Attorney General to cause the United States attorney in such district to appear and defend for the United Commencement of States: Provided further, That said suit shall be brought and com~ suit. fh'A menced within four months from the date of the passage 0 t IS ct. Approved, March 4, 1929. March 4, 1929. [8.4800.] CHAP. 721 .-An Act For the relief of John B. Meitlinger and Nannie Belle [Private, No. 560 .] Meisinger. Be it enacted by the Senate and H0'U8e "1 Representatives 01 the JohnR,. a ndNannle United States of America in Orm1re88 assembled That section 17 Belle M61SlDger. f' .'. f Compensation as and 20 0 the Act entItled "An ct to J;>rovlde compensatIOn or 00:20, 7 January 2012 (UTC)o£TarmstroBot (talk) 00:20, 7 January 2012 (UTC)s¥TarmstroBot (talk): employees of the United States suffering mjuries while in the per~ formance of their duties and for other purposes," approved Se'p~ Conditions waived. tember 7, 1916, as amended, are hereby waived in favor of John B. Meisinger and Nannie Belle Meisinger; that in the administration Vol. 39, pp . 746 ,747. of the aforesaid Act John B, Meisinger and Nannie Belle Meisinger shall be held and considered to be the dependent parents of Doctor Clarence L. Meisin~er, who was killed June 2, 1924, by the explosion of a balloon in whIch he was making a of upper air observa~ tions for the United States Weather Bureau. March 4, 1929. [8.48018 .] [Private, No. 56!.] Approved, March 4, 1929. CHAP. 7~2.-An Act For the relief of T. L . Young and C. T. Cole. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the T. L . Young and C. United State8 of America in Ormgres8 assembled, That the Secretary T R~F~~d of amount of of the Treasury is authorized and directed to relieve T. L . Young penal bond. and C. T . Cole from the payment of the judgment recovered on the bond for the sum representmg the amount of the bond they signed as surety for C. A . Walters, who was subsequently rearrested and produced in court: Provided, That the defendants, T. L . Young and C. T . Cole, pay the costs in the case of the United States against Proollo. Condition. C. A . Walters and others, being case Numbert:d 2566 of the term of the District Court of the Umted States held at Kansas City, in said district, beginning on the 6th day of October, 1924- Approved, March 4,1929. March 4, 1929. [8. 5717.J CHAP. 723 . -An Act For the relief of the State of Nevada. -rPrivate, No. 5G2.J Be it enacted by the Senate and House of RepresentatWes 01 the Stllte of Nevada. United States of A'merica in Oongress assembled That the Secre~ Payment to, ot ad· b. . , . Ysnces, etc. , w ade by. tary of the Treasury be, and he here y IS, authorIzed and dIrected to pay, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise approJ;>riated, the 'let balance due the State of Nevada of $595,076.53, as certIfied by the Comptroller General of the United States January 26, 1929, and printed m Senate Document Numbered 210, Seventieth Congress,