Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/674

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2350 March 2, 1~!!9. (II.R.4440.1 SEVENTIETH CONGRESS. SESS. II . CHs.602-605. 1929. OHAP. 602. -An Act For the relief of Frederick O. Goldsmith. [PrivIIle, No. , (75.] • Be it enacted by the Senate and H0'U8e 01 Representetwes of the Lieu~:ttFrederick United States 01 .America in Oongre8s alJsembled That the Secre. o. UoWsmith. fhT b . b h'. d' ted Reimbursement .tOt tary 0 t e reasury e, and he IS here y, aut orlZed and lree tor incurred medllla! tf . hT h' . ed' expenses. W pay, ou 0 any money In t e reasury not ot erWlse approprlat a.nd in full settlement against the Government, the sum of $1,150.95 to Lieutenant Frederick O. Goldsmith, of Belmont, Massachusetts, on account of expenses incurred by him for civilian medical treat· ment while sick with typhoid fever in 1923, at which time he was attached to the United States ship Ramapo. Approved, March 2, 1929. March 2, 1929. [II. R . 4626.] OHAP. 60S .- An Act For the relief of Major Arthur A. Padmore. [Private, No. i76.j Ml Arth A Be it e'TI.aCted by the Senate and House of Re[J'!esentative8 of the PlldTarmstroBot (talk), ArmU:, re -: United States 01 America in Oongre88 alJ8f'cmbled, That the Secretary tir~eadjustment of pay of the Treasury be1and he is hereby) authorized and directed to pay and allowance. to Major Arthur . Padmore, Umted States Army, retired, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropnated, the sum of $645.33, being the difference in pay and allowance from March 4, 1921, to November 21, 1921, which would have been due and payable to him had it been possible to promote him to the grade to which his seniority entitled him before his retirement by operation of law on Novemoer 21, 1921. Approved, March 3, 1929. March 2,1929. . [H. R . 9972.] OHAP. 604. - An Act For the relief of Charles Silverman. (Private, No. 477.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the 8~:~z!1ti~~nior United States of .America in Oongre88 alJsembled, That the Secre· loss of pay. tary of the Treasury is authorized and directed to pay, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of $76 to Charles Silverman, supervising clerk, navy yard, New York, for the loss of ten days' paYl due to his suspension by the Secretary of the Navy for said periOd of time (August 16-26, 1926), at the request of the UI\ited States Civil Service Commission on account of an error made by him, in good faith, as to the date of his birth in a civil-service examination taken in September, 1898; and the Secre- Service record cor- tary of the Navy is hereby authorized and directed to remove this reeted. order of suspension from the record of the said Charles Silverman. March 2, 1929. [H. R . lO508.J [Private, No. 478 .1 Approved, March 2, 1929. OHAP. 601S. - An Act For the relief of T. P. Byram. Be it e7UWted by the Senate and House of Rere8entatives 01 ths Lieutenant T. P . United States of America Vn Oongre88 as8emble , That the General Byram, Navy, retired. ffibh'ddd'd toTPB Payment to. Accounting 0 ce e aut orlze an lrecte to pay .. yram, lieutenant (retired), Supply Corps, United States Navy, the sum of $199.57, pay and allowances due him for active duty performed by him dUring the period from August 6 to August 26, 1921, inclu- sive, prior to the approval of his bond by the Secretary of the Navy. Approved, Ma?ch 2,1929.