Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/649

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS. SESS. II . CH.307. 1929. 2325 CHAP. 307. - An Act To permit the United States to be made So party de- February 23,11129, fendant in a certain case. - ;-;,:;[H""'::7:R;.:. . .'1~2809~,I;;-;- [Private, No, 400,) Be it enacted by the Senate and H0U8e of Repre8entative8 of the United States of 'America in Oongre88 as8embled That the consent Mrs, Cora W, God· of the United States be, and it is hereby, given to'be named a party freD~itedd!Statesmadlf e8 .' 'th'h. hfb't'ttd'th ts party ecndant n ore- InanySUI W IC ISnowormay ereater einS 1U e In ecour closuresuitby. of the State of South Carolina by Mrs. Cora W. Godfrey to fore- close the mortgage of W. J. Wood, executed and delivered unto said Mrs. Cora W. Godfrey on January 30, 1920, to secure the note of W. J. Wood in the amount of $2,500 on the following real estate: All that c'3rtain lot of land in the city and county of Anderson, State of South Carolina, fronting one hundred and twenty feet, more or less, on East Benson Street and running back in parallel lines one hundred and eight feet, more or less, to lot now owned by Mrs. Holland and Horton and known as three hundred and fifteen East Benson Street, and is bounded on the north by Horton~ast by Camp- bell, south by East Benson Street, and west by A. W . Aay, and being part of the Pinckney Williams property conveyed to A. W . Kay by the heirs of the said Pinckney Williams, deceased, recorded in book AAAA, at page 174, R. M. C., office for Anderson County, South Carolina, and conveyed unto the said W. J. Wood by the saId A. W . Kay by deed d&ted January 29, 1920, of record in the office of the clerk of court for Anderson County, South Carolina, in RRRRR, at page 4. SEC. 2. That in all suits or proceedings that may be instituted under Servioo of prooess, this Act in which the United States has been made a party, the process of the court shall be served upon the United States district attorney for the western district of South Carolina, whose duty it shall be to appear and defend the interest of the United States in said real estate. SEC 3 After the entMT of final h'udfhent or decree by the court in Government lien di!'" • • -J' charged when ssle IS any suit or proceedins- in which t e nited States has been made a made. party under the provIsions of this Act pursuant to a finding in the court that a lien exists in favor of the United States the effect of any sale which may thereafter be made by writ of execution or other- wise under the terms of the said judgment or decree, shall be the same, as to the discharge from the property sold of liens and en- cumbrances, and otherwise howsoever, as shall be provided by the laws of the State of South Carolina in connection WIth such sales in the courts of that State and the lien of the United States upon such property shall be subject to discharge from said property by such sale in the same manner as may be provided by the laws of the State of South Carolina as to other liens of a similar nature and shall ~~r liens recog. be rele~ated to the fund provided by such sale, Subject only to such other hens and encumbrances as the court may find to be prior in lien thereto. SEC. 4 . That no judgment for costs shall be rendered against the Payment of costs. United States in any suit or proceedinO' which may be instituted un- der the provisions of this Act, nor shail the United States be or be- come liable for the payment of the costs of any such suit or proceeding or any part thereof. Approved, February 23, 1929.