Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/580

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2256 ProoUo. No back pay, ata. February 16, 1929. [H. R . 5780.} [Private, No. 360.] SEVENTIETH CONGRESS. SESS. II . Cns. 220,231-233. 1929. the rank: of lieutenant, senior grade, June 3, 1922: Provided, That no back payor allowances shall accrue prior to the passage of this Act. Approved, February 15, 1929. CRAP. ~31.-Ari Act To provide for the further carrying out of the award of the National War Labor Board, of .July 31, 1918, in favor of certain employees of the Bethlehem Steel Company, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. Be it enacted by the Senate and HO~t8e of Representatives of the Bethlehem Steel United States of America in Oongress assemhled, That the pro- C~"!!'~d~' for addi- visions of the Act entitled "An Act to provide for carrying Oltt the tiona) pay to include award of the National War Labor Board of July 31 1918 in favor certalD naval contracts. • . , , of certam emr,loyees of the Bethlehem Steel Company, Bethlehem, . Pennsylvania,' approved March 4, 1925, and amended March 3 and Vol. ~3, p. 1603; Vol. At<ril 6 1926 are hereby extended to include the claims for M,p. 1458. .." . f a dltlonal compensatIOn or work performed as employees of the Bethlehem Steel Company on contracts made by or under the ct.indi:gS daft w~ authority of the Secretary of the Na.vy. For the purpose of this foll~~ed. oar a award, the findings of the War Department Claims Board reporting the Navy's share as 24.99 per centum is approved to be paid to such claimants as have filed claims in aecordance with the Act of March 4, 1925. All provisions' contained. in the said Act of March 4, 1925, as amended, not in conflict with this Act, are continued in full force and effect. Appropriation avall- The unexpended balance of the appropriation carried by the Act able. . of March 4, 1925, as amended, or so much thereof as may be Vol. 4" p. ID04; Va!. necessary for the purpose is hereby made available for the payment TarmstroBot (talk) , of the ~aims herein referred to and for the payment of the incidental and necessary administrative expenses. Approved, February 16, 1929. February III, 10211. [H. R .I939.} CRAP. 232. - An Act For the relief of James M. Thomas. [Private, No. 3111 .) Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representati'l'6s of the Ttleute~tllW1e8M. United States of America in Oongress a.8semhled, That the Secre- cO~ft, a~~ed. for tary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed stolen funds. to credit in the accounts of Lieutenant James M. Thomas, Supply Corps, United States Navy, the sum of $4,000, being the amount stolen from United States funds by a. person or persons unknown and charged against the accounts of the said James M. Thomas, lieu- tenant, Supply Corps, United States Navy, on th9 books of the Treasury Department. February III, 1929. [H. R . 15279.} [Private, No. 362.] Approved, February 16, 1929. CHAP. 23S . -An Act For the relief of the family of Wang Erh-Ko. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Wang Erh-Ko. United States of America in Oongress assembled, That the appropri. Payment to family •• h b th' d tf . thT t of, killed by legation atIon 18 ere y au oflze ,ou !) any money III e reasury no cuard, Peting, China. otherwise appropriated, of the sum of $875 as indemnity to the Anu, p. 1651 . family of Wang Erh-Ko, late of the city of Peking, in the Republic of Cliina, deceased, who was killed on January 4, 1927, by being struck by an automobile negligently operated, not in the line of duty, by members of the United States Legation guard in said Peking; such indemnity to be used for the purchase, on terms satisfactory