Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/52

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1728 SEVENTIETH CONGRESS. SJIl88. L Cm. 436,. 441,442. 1928. c!n~III"ftIIRmeDt SIlO. 9 . That the Commissioner of the General Land 0t1ice be, D ••lrn·,ted I'Dd. and he is hereby, authorized to quitclaim to the Standard Investment QllltaIUDId&o. Company, of Oakland, Califol1U8, lots 7 and 15, section 16, township 28 north, range 14 west, Wi1.l&l:llette meridian, Washington 1 also 1~:t..4, 6; southeast quarlAtr:,of the D.OrtJ:l'n~t quarter, section 6, to Ip 9 north range 26 west, south half of the northeast quarter and so.uth half of the northwest..quartE.r, section 1, township 9 north, range 21, west, and all of section. 36, township 10 north, range 27 west, San Bernardino meridian, California. ~t~~·SIlriDnSBO. 10. That tJwre is hereby granted to the State of New Mexico eranted to, tor publ1c the·tract in block 9IS of,thetown site of Hot Springs, New Mexico, ~. marked" Reserve" on the plat approved October 31, 1919: Provid~, ua!. ,o rfeIture for other That the grant hereby made is subject to forfeiture by the Secretary of the Interior upon the determination by him that the tract hereby granted has beeil used for purJ.>OSeS other than the erection and maintenance of bathhouses! hotels, or other improvements for the .a cc om medation of the public. =~d~~ot, SE.11. That dese~land entIJ:a Sacramento, California, n~mbered UI\IgDed to Thomas D·020100, made by Daniel M. Nicoll on July 21 1919 and &SSlgned to Deville, validated. Thomas D~ Devine, of Long Pine, California, ~n September 20, 1922, embracing lots 11 and 12, southwest quarter of northeast quarter and southeast quarter of northwest quarter, section 4t township 16 south, range 35. e~t, ~ount D~ablo meridian, containmg an area of one hundred thiriy-. mx· and rune one-hundredths acres, be, and the same is hereby, validated. Allrll~, 1_ (S.lm) [Private, No. uo.] Char_ Oaud"eIl. Paymelltto. Approved, April 26, 1928. OJUP. 4 .4 .1 . -An Act For the relief of Charles Caudwell. Be it e1'/4Cted by the S6'T!Die and Home. of RepreBentatweB of the United Stata of America in. OongreBI OJ!8emlJled That the Comp- troller Gen~ of the United States be, and he is hereby, authorized and direetea'to'pay to- ~harles Caudwell, Congleto~, Cheshire, .Eng- land,fi'Om any moneys In the Treasury not othel'Wlse approprIated, the sum of $10,219.65, or so much thereof as ma.y be required to pur- chase exch~ not to exceed the amount of two thousand one hun- dred pounds sterling, in full settlement of all claims of said Charles Caudwell ~~ out of his purchase of ovens at London, England, in June and July, 1919. Approved, April 26, 1928. April 38, 1_ (S. »5.) mru. "D.- An Aet To authorise the Secretary of the Treasury to pay the (PrIvate, No. iilJ olaim of Mary Clerkin. Be it 61'IIlCt6tl by tM StMte mul BfYU8e of Repruf/f/Jative8 of the rlllTc~~i UnAkd Statu of Am.ericiJ in. 001lt{J7'6BB a88embled, That the Secretary 1O~a:;.. ,01 ' per. of the Treas1l!1 be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay to Ma~ Clerkin, of Newtownbutler~ county of Fermanagh, Ireland, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropnated, the sum of $14() for the loss. of certain laces 'which were destroyed in the fire in the appraiser's warehouse at New York City in May, 1909. Approved, April 26, 1928.