Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/36

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS. SESS. t . CHI. 237-239, ~1. 1928. May, June,. July, and AuJ[1llt, 1919,'from his pay as e&!in, Quar- termaster COrps, toward tne'settlement of ,a sho~ in is accounts as disb~ officer in France during the period from mber 23, 1918, to April 26, 1919, such shortage having been. subeequentl! czeditedin his, accounts by certificate of settlement nui:Dberea M-l~W. Approved, March 23, 1928. Kardl23,l821 . 18. aJ CHAP. 888. -An Act For the relief of M. Zingare1l and wife, Mazy Alioe [Prtn&e, No. 40.} Zingarell. MZ and Be it ~ by the S6'TU1Jte aM Home of Re~etttat-wu of tM wilL' IDpnIl United States of .America lin 00ngre33 o$8embled, That the Secretary fora:~ tt'e of the 'J'reasury be. and he is hereby, authorized and di~ to pay OonnIDiIat. to M. Z!!lgaretr a.nd his wife, Mary Alice Zinlzarell, out of any money in the ~ury not otherwise appropriatecf, the, srun of $1,140, to reimb1ll'88 the said M. Zingal."ell and wife for the tlP.lring by the Umted States,in.,Sep~ber, 1917, of three certain lots1.namely, lots 9, 10, 11,m bloCk 602-B on FurnaceHillf Sheffield, Alabama, and the loss sUsti.ined thereby, said lots being mcludedin the site required in the·buildina of an experimental nitrate plant, and which said three lots were taken without adequate reimbursement to the owners thereof, said,M. Zinga.rell and wife, Mary Alice Zingare1l. Approved, March 23, 1928. KII'Ch 23, 1. .. " (8.1.Res. M.l cm:A!'. ass .- Joint llesolution For the relief of Henr;. A . Bellows. [Prtv. Res., No. 1.1 ' . . Henry A Bello... Ru,d/;ved '1iy t~ SMUlte a-nd H0'U86 of Representative.8 of tM .united Paymentto,roreerv- Statu of .AfhmICa m. OongrfJ83 aa~d, That notwlthstand~ng the ~:t!~:' Radio provisions of sectiOn 1761 of the Revised Statutes Henry A. Bellows R. fl., sec. 1761, shall be paid COli!J?e!tsation at the rate 6f $10,000 per annum for the p.IIJ,walved. period. d~ring wh.lch he served as a member of the Federal Radio Comnussion. l'unda aVBllable. SEO. 2 . The moneys made available for the fiscal year 1927 by the Vol. ... p. 117f. Act of Februal'J 23, 1927.z .. . and those appropriated for the Federal .A ..u, Po 5. Radio CommiSSIon by the Jfirst Deficiency Act, fiscal year 1928, shall be available for the payment of such compeusation. Approved, March 23, 1928. Ibrdl" 11128 . [lf~ =.)1.) ClUP. 241 .- An Act To authorize the'~' of the Treas~ to execute agreements of indemnity to the Union 'l'rust COmpany, Pro'vidence, Rhode Itiland, and the NatiODal Bank of Comm~ PbDadeiPhia, PeImsylvanIa. Be it ~ by fM S61I4te and HO'/lB6 of B(lpr~itue3 of tM l17u~c;of.'t United States Oongres8 ~6!ftb18d, That the Secre1:&ry u.i National :~o'lr of the Treasury IS authorIzed to execu~ In. the name of the Umted =~ - States, and deliver to (1) the Union Trust Company, Providence} ~~ Rhode Island, upon receipt from such trust compa.ny of $1,806, and , . (2) the National Bank of Commel'Ce, Philadelpbia,PeImsylvlDia, ~Uoo upon receipt from such bank of ,$16,676.71t lID agreeQlent of inaemnity . !>lDc!fu~ tlieUnited Sta~ to make reimt>u~ent ~ ~ch. ~riking institutions ·upon· condition that such banking institutions. are tequired'to make payment to bona fide holders uponpreseiita.tibn of cbecknumbered SlS8, in the amuunt of $1,806, drawn by Eva.rista Larravee, ISO Seymour ~tree~, Providenoo, Rhode I~landt on the Union Trust Oempany, ProYlden.ce, Rhode Island, cerbfied,oysucli trust company, payee believed to be Bureau of Supplies and Accounts,