Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/358

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2034 SEVENTIETH CONGRESS. SESS. II. CHS. 21, 22, 25. 1928. DltOember 11, ms. CH.&P . :U. -An Act Authorizing the Court of Claims to hear and determine ---r,lFrlo;:'[>;==~:,:.,~t!::;'·:";:~F-o;':;;.3m ';;'!;- ;" .]- questions of law involved in the alleged erroneous collection of tonnage taxes in 1920 and 1921 on three vessels operated by the Standard Oil Company of New Jersey, unde~ bareboat charter from a Danzig corporation. Be it enacted oy tlbe SeH.aie and H01.It8e of Rep1'esentative8 of the p!TarmstroBot (talk)wTarmstroBot (talk)om. United State8 of A'lMrica in Oongress a88tmWZeiJ, That the Court of Claims of errone:,us Claims be, and it is hereby, authorized and directed to hear and 23:23, 6 January 2012 (UTC)~ t~CCTarmstroBot (talk) determine the claim of the Sbndard Oil Company of New Jersey, a of Claims. corporation organized under the laws of the State of New Jersey, for refund of $60,283 alleged to have been erroneously collected In 1920 and 1921 on three vessels belonging to the claimant, being the Zoppot, five thousand nine hundred and fifteen tons; the Gedania, five thousand one hundred and seven tons; and the Baltic, five thou- sand one hundred and seventy-three tons, under Danzig charter; it being contended by the claimant that the tonnage taxes assessed and collected on the vessels named were not authorized by law. A.othorltyofcoun. SEc. 2 . The Court of Claims is authorized to maKe proper order on its conclusions on the questions presented in section 1 of this Act: ~;. to A.ttorney Pro'Vided fwrtlber, That such notices of the suits shall be given to General. the Attorney General of the United States as may be provided by orders of tlie said cou:'thand it shall be the duty of the Attorney General to cause one of is assistants to appear and defend for the United States. D<lOember 11, 1928. [H. R . 137M.] [Private. No. ~.] Approved, December 11, 1928. CRAP. 22 .- An Act Authorizing an expenditure of certain funds standing to the credit of the Cherokee Nation in the Treasury of the United States to be paid to one of the attorneys for the Cherokee Nation, and for other purposes. Be it enacted oJ! tlbe Senate mnd HfYU86 of Represerntatives of the ~~;rO~ITarmstroBot (talk)S. 1. United State8 of America in OongrelNJ as8embled, That there is Boudlnot, attorney. hereby authorized to be expended, and to be by the Secretary of from tribal funds. the Interior paid to Frank J. Boudinot, one of the attorneys for the Cherokee Nation of Indians, employed under the authority of Vol. 43. p.ZT. the Act of Congress approved March 19, 1924 (Forty-third Statutes at Large1 page 27), the sum of $1,180.22, now standing to the credit of the Cherokee Nation in the Treasury of the United States: Pro- f'"grO::ent required. vided, That before payment is made there be obtained the agreement or consent thereto of the Cherokee representative committee which was elected by the Cherokees under the provisions of section 2 of the above-mentioned Act of March 19, 1924: And prO'Vided further, That, subject to all prior assignments and agreements as to division of fees 1 VOl. 43, p.28. RelmbUI!lelJleIlt. December 12\ 1928. [8. 3325.J [Private, No. 309.] the swn so allowed and paid shall be reimbursable to the credit or Cherokee funds out of finy amount or amounts which may here- after b'3 decreed by the Court of Claims to be paid to the said Frank J. Boudinot, attorney, for his services and expenses rendered or incurred prior to the date of the approval of the Act of March 19, 1924, above described, or out of his share of such fee or amount as may be awarded by the Court of Claims to the attorneys employed by the Cherokee Nahon under said Act of March 19, 1924. Approved, December 11, 1928. CHAP. 26. -An Act For the relief of Horace G. Knowles. Be it enacted oy the Senate and House of Repre8entatives of the Horace o. Knowles. United States of America in Oongress assembled That the Secretary Payment to, salary •. , as Minister to Nics- of the Treasury be, and he IS hereby, authOrIzed and directed to pay.] rag\1a. out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, and