Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/33

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS. - Sus. I . CH8. U6, 14'7, 156, 157,201. 1028. 1700 service of the United States as a member of that organization on the 7th day of April, 1899: ~ That no back pay, pension, or allowance shall be held to have accrued prior to the passage of thisAet. . Approved, March 7, 1928. ProNt. No bIIct pay. *. MMch7,l1 'J8. OHAP. 147 .- An Act To authorise Colonel Charles A. Lindbergh, UDfted [H. R . lam.) States Army Air Corpa Reserve, to accept decoratioWl and gifta from foreign ~[Pri~v.:;::':te,;'::N:;:'0.=i;!2II<T.I­ governments. Be it ~ ttM Smtlte fNId HOtIM of R6~ (Jt "the 00I0nel a.Jte A. UflIit«l State. D America.. m Oong1'e88. 0;B8embled,. That COlonel Lt'bergh. t deccft. Charles A. L\Dd gh, 1;1pi~ States Army: Air <;arps Reserve, is ~,.~ tram herebyauthol"lZed and pen;rutted to accept decorations, medals, cer- fGnJp~ tifica~ or gifts which hav:e been here~foN or m.Y,bereaftel" be ten- dered him in recogIiition of services t exploits, or aebievements, brthe gove1'llllleJ1t of any foreign state WIth which the Government of. the U¥ited States wu at the time of such tender a.n~ a.cceptance on friendly' tel'llUl; and the consent of ~ requlred tlierefor by clauseS of section 9 of Article I of tlie 'Constitution' is hereby expressly granted. Approved, March 7, 1928. ~8~0J8. OHAP. !GO. - An Act For the relief of Mary M. Jones. ~: No:i;.) Be it enacted by eM Senattl ana BfN,86 of R~entatW68 01 tM ~M.l-. Umtetl statu of America in Oor~8I aB,enihkd, That the Secretary ert:r~'forJnP­ of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to p'ay to Mary M. Jones, out of any mon~ in the 'l'reMury of the UmtAd States not otherwise appropria~, in full .seWemen.t against the GoverllDu~nt, the sum of '1t~ .lD compensation for damagea ~d and sustalDed to property in t.1nD Counti' Oregon, such loss betng caused by fire set from burning materia from 'an Army airplane on or about July 1, 1924, the said airplane being in fire-control service under the direction of the Forest service. Approved, March 8, 1928. CHAP. 167. - An Act For the reIiel of Frank Btfnchcomb. MU'Ch 8. 11128 . ~H.R.61e..l [ ft&e, No. J1 .t B~ it eft4CUd by tits S~ and H (}fA,H 01 Bepruentati'fJtllol tM :mat IIUDobeomb. UrUkd statu 01 America M OongfWIJ (l8Hmhled, That an Act for N.ftI~~ th& relief of Frank Stinchcomb, approved June 6, 1924, Forty-third edVo1 . 43, p. 1374 . Statutes at Large, page 1374, be &mended by adding the~.,be ~ following:" P1VirNld, That if appointed a lieutenant in.the r 8enioeincluded. Navy, he shall be entitled to count all service which he would ve Vol 41 838 . been entitled to count had be been appointed a lieutenant in the ., p. . United States Na!y under the Act of June 4, 1920, for pay and all Noblck eto. other purposes: P1YWided, That no back pay or allowances shall pa,., accrue to this officer by reason of. the pa.ssa .ge of this Act." Approved, March 8, 1928. llarOO 10.: l8lI8. , 0JUlI'. 201.- An Act For the relief of J&meIIJ Neal. [H. :8. 166J.J [Private, No. 32 .) Be it enJzct6d 'by tM S6'TU1k lmd Botule 01 Rep1"68enbi'IJ68 1)1 tM lames Neal. United State, of America m Oongre8, atJ8em1:Jled, That in the ~itar:r record cor- administration of any laws conferring rights, privileges, and benefits . 54835° -20 -PT 2---3