Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/310

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1986 SEVENTIETH CONGRESS. SESS. I . CHS. 808-810,827,828. 1928. Penalty r~ nowlon. .Any person or persons violating the provisions of this Act shall be deellled guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be fined in any sum not exceeding $1,000. Approved, May 26, 1928. May 211, 1V28. [H.R.1&1&.) CHAP. 809. -An Act For the relief of earl C. Back. [PrIvate, No. 202.) B. it BTUlCted. by the Senate and H OtUJe of R~P'!'!J8entatwe8 of tM ~U:=t ~U'=: "United Stai68 of America in OOfl1l1V!88 aBBem:bkd, That the Secretary IOwlnJurieI. of the be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay, out of any moneys in the Treasury not otherwise appro~riated and in full settlement against the Government, the sum of $5,522 to Gunther Carl Back, for expenses incurred on account of injuries sustained as the result of oeing run down by an Army truck at Stratford, Connectit:ut, on April 1, 1918. Approved, May 26, 1928. [ ~:.!~) 0lUP." 810.- Joint Resolution For the relief of Mary M. Tilghman.),. former [Prlv. Res. , No.4.) widow of Serr,eant Frederick Colema.n, deoeaaed, United states Marine vorps. R~olved ~ the Se'fInte and Howe of Repr~entatives of the =!cTarmstroBot (talk)=~ Umted States of America in Oongre88 a88enWled, That the service record of, correicited. rendered by Sergeant Frederick Coleman, deceased t United States Marine Con>s, from September 5,1870, to the date of his death, April 29,.1900, sb:&ll be consIdered under the law providin~ for longevity pay as continuous service in the United States Manne Corps1 and that the Secretary of the Navy be, and he is hereby, authorized. and directed to construe the records of the said Sergeant Frederick Cole- re:::t~~t~ld~t;:' con· man in the United States Marine Corps as conforming with this authorization, to the end that Mary M. Tilghman~ former widow of the said Frederick Coleman, deceased, shall be entItled to receive the pay, benefits, and emoluments conferred !>y law or regulations for (~ntinuous service in the United States Marine Corps of her late husband. May 28, 11128 . [H.R.65611.) [PrIvate, No. 203.) Frank Hartman. Payment to. Approved. May 26,1928. CHAP. 827. -An Aot For the relief of Frank Hartman. Be it tmaCtea by tM Senate anul H0U8e of Representative8 of the Uniteil States of America mOongress a.~8embled, That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed tolay, out of any money in the Treasury, not otherwise appropriate , to Frank Hariman, of Curlew, Washington, the sum of $97.08. Approved, May 28, 1928. Mal' 28, 11128. [H. R . 10714.) CHAP. 828. -An Act For the relief of T. Abraham Hetriok. [PrIvate, No. 204.] Be it enacted by the Senate and HOUIJe 01 Repre8entatives of tM T.AbrahamHetrick. United States of America in Oongress a8sem'hled That in the admin- r~l.tary record cor- istration of any laws conferring rights, privileg~s, and benefits u:pon honorably discharged soldiers and dependents, T. Abraham HetrIck, who was a pri~ate of Company I, Forty-ninth Regiment Pennsyl- vania Volunteer Infantry, shall hereafter be held and considered to have been discharged honorably from the military service of the United States as a member of that organization on the 25th day of