Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/255

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS. Sua. I. Ca. 740. 1928. 1931 The name of Clara L. Ross, widow of Jared C. Ross, late .of b~. ~. Company E, One hundred and seventy-fourth Regiment Ohio Vol· unteer Infantry, and pay her a pension at the rate of $60 per month in lieu of that she is now receiving. . Pensions. The name of Charles T. Smith, late servant to Major William E. Chad. T . Smith. Beardsley, late of Sixth ~ent New York Cavalry Volunteers Civil War, and nurse Sixth New York Cavalry, and pay him a pen- sion at the rate of $60 ~r month. The name of Isabell Critchfield?,. widow of William F. Critchfield, Iaabell Crltchfteld. late of Company H One hundrec.t and sixty-ninth Regiment Penn- sylvania Volunteer hfantry, and pay her a pension at the rate of $30 per month. Pensionslncreued. . The name of Ellen Higley, widow of Milo Higley, late of Com- Ellen Higley. panies Hand B, Eighty-third Re£im.ent Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, and pay her a pension at the rate of $60 per month in lieu of that she is now receiving, and an additional pension of $20 per month for the helpless and dependent son, John Higley: Pro- tz:· to _ on VUle<i, That in the event of the death of John HigleYJ helpless and de&th of child; dependent son of said Ellen and Milo rogley, the aaditional pen- sion of $20 for him herein granted shall cease and determine: And PeDIIlon to chlld on 'P.,rovided furth~r, That in the event of the death of Ellen Higley, deathotmother. the name of said John Higley shall be placed on the pension roll, subject to the provisions and limitations of the pension laws, at the rate of $20 per month from and after the date of death of said Ellen Higley. The name of Anna M: Orcutt, widow of David S. Orcutt late of AlIDa M. Oroo~ Company L, Eleventh Rea6ment Pennsylvania Volunteer Caval., and pay her a J,>ension at the rate of $70 per month in lieu of that ProtnMII she IS now recelving: Pr01Jiil~d, That in the event of the death of ~n:-' to - on Elizabeth V. Orcutt, helpleu and de~dent daughter of said Anna oteblld. M. and David S. Orcutt, the additional pension herein granted shan Pension to ohUd on cease and determine: AM ~d furthM, That in the event of de&tholmother. the death of Anna M. Orcutt, the name of said Elizabeth V. Orcutt shall be placed on the pension roll subject to the provisions and limitations of the pension laws, at the rate of $20' per month from and after the date of death of said Anna M. Orcutt. The name of Minnie C. Holland, widow of Freeman T. Holland, Minnie C. Holland. alias William Clark, late of o>mpany Ct Seventy-ninth Re2iment New York Volunteer Infantry, and pay her a }?6nsion at die rate of $50 per month in lieu of that she is now receivmg. The name of Hariette J. Cochran, widow of Robert Cochran, late Harlette 1. Cochran. of Company .A. ., Twenty-third ~ent Missouri Volunteer Infan- try, Ilnd pay her" I,>ension at the rate of $50 per month in lieu of that she Ii now receiving. The name of Sarah Git.llagher~idow of John Gallagher} late of SarahOallqher. Company L, Second Regiment Kentucky Volunteer Cavalry, and pay her '!- ~nsion at the rate of $60 per month in lieu of that ~e is now recelvmg. Chariott.c The name of Charlotte C. Brandau, widow of Gustavus R. Brandau. • Brandau, late surgoon, Eleventh Regiment Tennessee. Volunteer Cavalry, and pay her a J?6D8ion at the rate of $ro per month in lieu of that she is now receiVlJ!g. The name of Emma P. Tracy, widow of Levi E. Tracy late acting i~p. Tncy. assistant surgeon, United States Army, Civil War, an~ pay her I ~ion at the rate of $80~r month. Penslonslncreaeed. The name of Tildy J. Hamilton, widow of John Hamilton, late TUdyl.Hamllton. of Company B, Thirty-ninth Regiment Kentucky Volunteer Infan- . try, and pay her a pension at the rate of $lSO per month in lieu of that she IS now recelving.